Beef Cattle Videos
Beef Videos
The following Beef videos are available on the YouTube Beef Videos playlist:
2024 Confinement Conference
Brett Welty of Caverndale Farms discusses backgrounding in hoop barns
2024 Confinement Conference: Challenges and Opportunities for Beef Cattle in Confinement
- Dr. Katie VanValin -
Getting Started in Confinement: Facility Design and Ventilation
- Dr. Morgan Hayes -
Profitability of Confinement Facilities
- Greg Halich
2023 Beef Seedstock Symposium
- Does Genetic Information Matter in the Bull Market?
- Dr. Charley Martinez - History of Selection
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Impacting the Quality of EPDs for You and Your Customer
- Dr. Matt Spangler - Practical Feeding Strategies for Bulls
- Dr. Katie Mason - Putting Selection Tools to Work (EPDs and Indices)
- Dr. Matt Spangler - Bull Reproduction and Health Considerations
- Dr. Saulo Zoca - What are genomics and how do they help?
- Dr. Troy Rowan
Beef Bash videos
- Temperament & Growth in Beef Cattle
- Dr. Eric Vanzant - Hands on Opportunities for UK AFS Students
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Hay & Supplement Calculator
- Dr. VanValin - Selenium & Female Reproduction
- Dr. Bridges - Feeding Stillage/Feeder Designs
- Dr. Lehmkuhler - Can the form of supplemental selenium ameliorate fescue toxicosis?
- Dr. Jamie Matthews - Princeton Herd Breeding Program
- Dr. Les Anderson - How Manipulating Selenium Affects Fertility
- Dr. Phillip Bridges - Preconditioning Calves
- Dr. Michelle Arnold - Strategies for Marketing Calves this Fall
- Dr. Kenny Burdine - Winter Feeding Strategies for Cow-Calf herds
- Dr. Chris Teutsch - Princeton Beef Bash Managing Around the Environment Bus Tour
"Beef Minutes" video series
- Beef Minutes 30: Update on Genomic Testing Requirements for 2022 CAIP Qualifications
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Beef Minutes 29: Managing Johnson Grass
- Dr. Chris Teutsch, Jordyn Bush - Beef Minutes 28: Developing Heifers: Part 1
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 27: Beef Improvement Federation
- Drs. VanValin, Bullock: Ben Crites - Beef Minutes 26: Tall Fescue
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 25: Fly Control
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 24: Annual Rye Grass
- Dr. Chris Teutsch - Beef Minutes 23: Pregnancy Diagnosis
- Dr. Anderson - Beef Minutes 22: Two Methods of Finishing Cattle
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 21: Milk
- Drs. Darrh Bullock, Jeff Lehmkuhler - Beef Minutes 20: Comparing Feed Ingredients on a Price Per Unit / Nutrient Basis
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 19: Beef IRM Mineral Recommendations
- Drs. VanValin, Lehmkuhler - Beef Minutes 18: Corn Silage Part 2
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 17: Corn Silage, Part 1
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 16: Improving Feeding Efficiency This Winter
- Dr. VanValin - Beef Minutes 15: Fall Buttercup
- Dr. Chris Teutsch - Beef Minutes 14: Winter Nutrient Requirements
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 13: Mineral Supplements
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 12: Heifer Pre-breeding evaluation
- Dr. Les Anderson - Beef Minutes 11: Beef Bash Recap
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 10: Prussic Acid
- Dr. Christ Teutsch - Beef MInutes 9: UK IRM Farm Program Progress
- Dr. Les Anderson - Beef Minutes 8: Weaning
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Beef Minutes 7: Analyzing Past Bull Performance
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Beef Minutes 6: Hay Supplement
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 5: Stockpiling Tall Fescue
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Beef Minutes 4: Fall Calving Season
- Dr. Les Anderson - Beef Minutes 3: Beef Extension Education Forum
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Beef Minutes 2: Genomic Testing Requirements for 2020 CAIP Qualifications (Updated with Beef Minutes 30)
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Beef Minutes 1: Heat Stress
- Dr. Katie VanValin
"Reaching Out While Locked In! Beef Management" Webinar video series
Spring 2025 Beef Cattle Marketing Opportunities
(Drs. VanValin, Burdine, Kevin Laurent) -
2025 Cattle Market Outlook and Opportunities
(Dr. Kenny Burdine) - PVAP Results and Current Market
(Kevin Laurent) - Shooting the Bull!
- Drs. Bullock, Anderson, Lehmkuhler, VanValin, Henning; Kevin Laurent - What is the Cost of a Cheap Mineral?
- Drs. Anders, VanValin - Management decisions that impact reproductive efficiency in beef herds
- Drs. Les Anderson, George Perry - December 2023 Shooting the Bull:
- Timely Topics - Reproduction
- Fall Cavers
- Stockpiling tall fescue
- Cow marketing
- Timely tips for winter feeding - From Hay Sample to Feed Bunk: Forage-based Nutrition
- Dr. Katie Mason - October 2022 Shooting the Bull: UK Beef Specialists Hot Topics
- Drs. Darrh Bullock, Ray Smith, Michelle Arnold, Les Anderson, Kenny Burdine, and Kevin Laurent - Shooting the Bull: Answering All Your Beef Related Questions
- Drs. Darrh Bullock, Kenny Burdine, Michelle Arnold, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katie VanValin, Les Anderson, and Kevin Laurent - Simple Tools to Improve Management Decisions, X10D
- Drs. Katie VanValin, Les Anderson - Shooting the Bull: Hot Topics
- Kevin Laurent, Drs. Darrh Bullock, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Josh Jackson, Chris Teutsch, Les Anderson, Katie VanValin - Selenium's Impact on Female Reproduction
- Drs. Les Anderson, Ben Crites - Milk: Benefit or Burden
- Drs Jeff Lehmkuhler, Darrh Bullock - West Ky Tornado Disaster Relief
- USDA Research Update: the Power of Red Clover when Grazing Fescue
- Drs. Michael Flythe, Brittany Harlow - Timely Topics in Beef
- Drs. Anderson, Bullock, VanValin, Lehmkuhler, Henning, Kevin Laurant - Shooting the Bull: Answering Your Beef Related Questions!
- Drs. VanValin, Lehmkuhler, Henning, Burdine, Jackson, Bullock; Kevin Laurent, Ben Crites - Risk Management Strategies for the 2021 Market
- Drs. Kenny Burdine, Josh Maples - Playing the "Long Game" with Reproductive Management
- Drs. Les Anderson, Justin Rhinehart - Practical Considerations for Improving Hay Quality
- Dr. Chris Teutsch - Cost of Milk Production
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Importance of Body Condition Scoring Beef Cattle
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Planning for a Successful Breeding Season
- Dr. Lehmkuhler - Weed Management in Pastures
- Dr. JD Green - Genetic Considerations to Reducing Calving Problems
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Dystocia and Management of Calving
- Dr. Les Anderson - Beef Cattle Structure & Cattle Handling Facilities
- Drs. Morgan Hayes, Josh Jackson - Simplifying Winter Feeding
- Dr. Steve Higgins - Organizing the Breeding Season
- Dr. Les Anderson - Preparing for Winter Feeding
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Fall Marketing Strategies
- Kevin Laurent - Cattle Management and Risk Management Considerations
- Dr. Kenny Burdine - Feedstuffs and Impact on Nutrient Metabolism
- Dr. Kyle McLeod - Meat Industry Update
- Dr. Gregg Rentfrow - Food Safety Resources for Kentucky Producers
- Dr. Paul Vijayakumar - Post Harvest Strategies to Improve Fresh Meat Quality
- Dr. Suman Surendranath - Forage Timely Tips: Round Bale Silage
- Dr. Jimmy Hennig - How Does Temperament Relate to Performance in Growing Cattle?
- Dr. Eric Vanzant - Basics of a Complete Mineral Program
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Selenium Supplementation & Grazing Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue
- Dr. James Matthews - Precision Ag Technology for Beef Cattle
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Profit recipe for stockers/backgrounding cattle
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Managing beef cows for improved reproductive success
- Dr. Les Anderson - State of the Department of Animal and Food Sciences
- Dr. Richard Coffey - Ruminant Physiology and Nutrition Research
- Dr. Dave Harmon - Planning the Winter Feeding Program
- Kevin Laurent - Recipe for Profit in Backgrounding / Stockering
- Dr. Lehmkuhler - Managing Calves for the Market
- Kevin Laurent - Factors Impacting Fertility in Beef Cows
- Drs. Phillip Bridges, Les Anderson - Effect of Form of Dietary Selenium on Gonadal Function in Cattle
- Dr. Phillip Bridges - Bull Buying While Maintaining Social Distancing
- Dr. Darrh Bullock
"I Bought a Farm...Now What" video series
- I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Discussing Heifer Sales with Jim Akers (episode 32)
- Dr. Anderson, Jim Akers - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Catching Up (episode 31)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Preparing Heifers for Breeding (episode 30)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Treating a heifer for pinkeye (episode 29)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Mid October grass inventory and heifer evaluations (episode 28)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifers move to Paddock 3 (Episode 27)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Dealing with short grass (Episode 26)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Lesson on Stocking Rate (Episode 25)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifers move back to paddock 1 (Episode 24)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Dr. Jimmy Hennig Talks Grass (Episode 23)
- Drs. Jimmy Henning, Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Spray the heifers for flies (Episode 22)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifer Check on 7-20 (Episode 21)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Moving heifers to paddock 2 (Episode 20)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifer Check June 23 (Episode 19)
- Ben Crites - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Moving heifers out of paddock 4 (Episode 18)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Grass discussion & look at heifers (Episode 17)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Looking at Heifers (Episode 16)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? End of May - Heifer moving day (Episode 15)
- Dr. Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifer checks mid-May (episode 14)
- Dr. Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Heifers on Full Paddock 1 (episode 13)
- Dr. Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What - Heifers out to partial Paddock 1 (episode 12)
- Drs. Anderson, Lehmkuhler - I Bought a Farm...Now What - Daily Heifer Checks (episode 11)
- Dr. Anderson - I Bought a Fram...Now What? - Heifers Arrive to the Farm (episode 10)
- Drs. Lehmkuhler, Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What - Setting up the forage system (episode 9)
- Drs. Lehmkuhler, Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Pricing Heifers (episode 8)
- Dr. Anderson, Kevin Laurent - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Finding heifers to buy (episode 7)
- Dr. Anderson, Kevin Laurent - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Stocking Rate (episode 6)
- Dr Lehmkuhler & Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Forage System Development (episode 5)
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler & Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Enterprise Analysis (episode 4)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Land Maintenance (episode 3)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Where Should I Get My Information? (episode 2)
- Dr. Les Anderson - I Bought a Farm...Now What? - Introduction (episode 1)
- Dr. Les Anderson
Farm Overviews
- Osbourne Hay & Cattle - 8 Years Later
- Brett Welty of Caverndale Farms discusses backgrounding in hoop barns
- Kim Muer shares information on her cattle operation at Cedar Creek Cattle Company (4C)
- Benny Gilbert Stocker Operation
- Southern Rhythm backgrounding operation
- Bob Hall overviews his rotational grazing stocker cattle system
- Charles Miller - Stocker Tour
- Justamere Farm Mid South Stocker Conference 2019
- Harper Cattle Company backgrounding program
- It Starts With Us - Jim Morse
- It Starts With Us - Roni Hils
- Drought's Affect on Kentucky Beef Producers
- Beef Producers Prioritizing Cow Comfort
- Beef Study: Proper Birth / Weaning Weight
- Featuring: Dr. Les Anderson - DEMO OF HOW TO PALPATE COW
- Featuring: Dr. Les Anderson - HOW TO PLACE A CIDR DEVICE IN A COW
- Featuring: Dr. Les Anderson - Beef Cattle Procedures
- Cattle Genomics and Ultrasound
- Featuring: Dr. Darrh Bullock - Ultrasound Cattle
- Featuring: Dr. Darrh Bullock
Do you know what you are feeding?
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Meeting Nutritional Needs on Pasture
- Drs. Jeff Lehmkuhler, Amaral-Phillips - You got a forage test, now what?
- Dr Jeff Lehmkuhler - Freezer Beef Bootcamp: Nutrition and Management for Finishing Beef Cattle
- Dr. Katie VanValin - Winter bale grazing damage in pastures from high amounts of rain.
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Measuring impact of bale grazing on pasture productivity
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - On-Farm Bale Grazing Demonstration in Ky
- Dr. Lehmkuhler - UKAg Extension helps farmer implement bale grazing
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - Bale grazing progressing in second year
- Dr. Jeff Lehmkuhler - High Density Grazing
- Kentucky Grazing School
- Kentucky Grazing School - Greg Reynolds
- Grazing Alfalfa - Part 1/2
- Grazing Alfalfa - Part 2/2
- Grazing Wheat
- Dr. Roy Burris - Feeding Soybean Hulls to Beef Cattle
- Dr. Roy Burris - Managing Tall Fescue Toxicois
- Cattle Management on Endophyte Infected Tall Fescue
Beef Efficiency Conference
- 2021 Beef Efficiency Conference
- Dr. Lehmkuhler
Appalachian Beef
- Managing Risk when buying bulls & CAIP changes for 2021
- Dr. Darrh Bullock - Kevin Laurent discusses winter stocker program
- Kevin Laurent - UK Extension helps livestock producers deter black vultures
- University of Kentucky Beef Leadership Conference
- Dr. Les Anderson - Roy Burris - 2018 KCA Hall of Fame - Region 1
- Dr. Roy Burris - UK Extension Fosters Unique Farming Atop Reclaimed Strip Mine
- The Economic Impact of The Bluegrass Stockyards Fire
- UKREC Field Day - Growing Kentucky, July 2009
Beef Unit Update
- Princeton Rebuilding post Tornado for Beef Unit Update
- Dr. Katie VanValin