Welcome to the UK Beef Cattle Program
Beef Instruction
Beef Extension
Beef Research
Beef Information Resources
Kentucky has the largest beef cow herd east of the Mississippi and the eighth largest nationally, with approximately 1 million beef cows. Beef cattle provide our primary means of converting Kentucky's 7 million acres of pasture and forage into useful products.
Tremendous potential exists to expand income opportunities from beef cattle to help replace lost tobacco income and sustain Kentucky's agricultural base. The state-of-the-art facilities at the Animal Science Research Center Beef Unit will allow us to move into this new century with renewed emphasis on development (Research) and transfer (Extension) of knowledge and technologies to ensure that Kentucky's beef industry is competitive in a changing and demanding marketplace.
Beef News & Events
Upcoming Events
- May 17 - West Kentucky Bred Heifer Sale
- Beef Management Webinar Series
> March 11 - Preparing for a Successful Spring Breeding Season
> April 8 - Health Update and Internal Parasite Field Study Results - CPH45 Feeder Calf Sales
> April 25 - Owensboro, KY - Master Grazer
> April 29, 30 - 2025 Kentucky Beginning Grazing School
Postweaning Value Added Program
(Dr. Lehmkuhler, Kevin Laurent)
3/7•Beef Bits Podcast -
PVAP Results and Current Market
(Kevin Laurent)
3/5•UK Beef Cattle Extension -
2025 Cattle Market Outlook and Opportunities
(Dr. Kenny Burdine)
3/5•UK Beef Cattle Extension -
Do you know what you are feeding?
(Dr. Katie VanValin)
2/27•KY Forages YouTube -
Extension Beef Programming through the years with Dr. Roy Burris
2/24•Kentucky Ag Matters -
Timely Tips
(Dr. Les Anderson)
2/18•Cow Country News -
New and Underused EPDs Can Improve Your Herd
(Dr. Darrh Bullock)
2/18•Cow Country News -
ASC-270: Overview of the Mineral Nutrition of Yaks
(Jeff Lehmkuhler, Katherine VanValin, Darrh Bullock, Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold)
2/17•UK M-G CAFE Publications -
UK Virtual Tour
2/13•Youvisit -
OFF THE HOOF (Feb '25)
- Drs. Anderson, Teutsch, Smith, Hennig, Burdine, Arnold
2/7•UK Beef Extension -
IP-56: Assessment of the Potential for Livestock and Poultry Manure to Provide the Nutrients Removed by Crops and Forages in Kentucky
- Drs. Anderson, Coffey, Crist, Pescatore
2/6•UK M-G CAFE Extension Publications
Social Media
- "Like" us on AFS Facebook
- "Like" us on UK Beef IRM Facebook
- Watch us on YouTube
- "Follow" us on X.com (formerly Twitter)