Hongbing Fan

Last Revised: Sep 26th, 2024
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky, 2023 – Now
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta, 06/2021 – 12/2022
Research Interests
Development of food-derived bioactive compounds (particularly peptides) for mitigating chronic diseases
Structure and function/activity relationship of bioactive proteins and peptides
Value-added application of agricultural byproducts
Courses Taught
(Award/Scholarship/Fellowship, total > 30)
Outstanding Service Award, Nutrition Division, Institute of Food Technologists, 2021/2022
Outstanding Volunteer Award, Nutrition Division, Institute of Food Technologists, 2020/2021
Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis, Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Alberta, 2021
Thomas H. Smouse Memorial Fellowship, American Oil Chemists’ Society, 2020
Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship, Killam Trusts, 2019
Technology Futures Doctoral Scholarship, Alberta Innovates, 2017
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Wang, Z., Fan, H., Bao, X., & Wu, J. Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activation is not a common feature of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 23, 8867–8876.
Pan, M., Shui, T., Zhao, Z., Li, M., Fan, H., Wu, J., & Zeng, H. Orchestrating asymmetric surface functionalities on hydrogel stamps where adhesion meets lubrication. Chemistry of Materials, 2023, 35(13), 4998-5008.
Bhullar, K.S., Fan, H., Nael, M.A., Elokely, K.M., & Wu, J. ACE2 activation by tripeptide IRW (Ile-Arg-Trp) depends on the G protein-coupled receptor 30 signaling cascade. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 21, 8071–8082.
Wang, K., Han, L., Tan, Y., Hong, H., Fan, H., & Luo, Y. Novel hypocholesterolemic peptides derived from silver carp muscle: The modulatory effects on enterohepatic cholesterol metabolism in vitro and in vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(14), 5565-5575.
Wang, S., Zhao, M., Fan, H., & Wu, J. Peptidomics study of plant-based meat analogs as a source of bioactive peptides. Foods, 2023, 12(5), 1061.
Li, H., Fan, H., Lu, K., Zhu, Q., & Wu, J. Purification of extracellular protease from Staphylococcus simulans QB7and its ability in generating antioxidant and anti-inflammatory peptides from meat proteins. Nutrients, 2022, 15(1), 65.
Fan H., Bhullar K., Wang Z., Wu J. Soybean-derived tripeptide Leu-Ser-Trp (LSW) protects human vascular endothelial cells from TNFα-induced oxidative stress and inflammation via modulating TNFα receptors and SIRT1. Foods, 2022, 11, 3372.
Shui T., Pan M., Li A., Fan H., Wu J., Liu Q., Zeng H. Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA)-based hydrogel scaffold with isotropic ultra-toughness enabled by dynamic amine-catechol interactions. Chemistry of Materials, 2022, 34, 19, 8613–8628.
Wang S., Zhao M., Fan H., Wu J. Emerging proteins as precursors of bioactive peptides/ hydrolysates with health benefits. Current Opinion in Food Science, 2022, 100914.
Fan H., Wu K., Wu J. Pea-derived tripeptide LRW fails to reduce blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats due to its low gastrointestinal stability and transepithelial permeability. Food Bioscience, 2022, 49, 101964.
Fan H., Bhullar K., Wang Z., Wu J. Chicken muscle protein‐derived peptide VVHPKESF reduces TNFα‐induced inflammation and oxidative stress by suppressing TNFR1 signaling in human vascular endothelial cells. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2022, 2200184. doi.org/10.1002/mnfr.202200184
Fan H., Liao W., Davidge, S., Wu J. Chicken muscle protein-derived ACE2 upregulating peptide VVHPKESF inhibits angiotensin II-stimulated inflammation in vascular smooth muscle cells via the ACE2-Ang (1-7)-MasR axis. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70(21), 6397–6406.
Fan H., Wu J. Conventional use and sustainable valorization of spent egg-laying hens as functional foods and biomaterials: A review. Bioresources and Bioprocessing, 2022, 9, 43.
Fan H., Liao W. Spanns F., Pasha M., Davidge S., Wu J. Chicken muscle hydrolysate reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats, upregulates ACE2 and ameliorates vascular inflammation, fibrosis and oxidative stress. Journal of Food Science, 2022, 87(3), 1292-1305.
Suarez L., Fan H., Wu J. Optimization of enzymatic hydrolysis for preparing cassava leave hydrolysate with antioxidant activity. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2021, 1-14.
Sierra, L., Fan H., Zapata J., Wu J. Antioxidant peptides derived from red tilapia (Oreachromis sp.) scale hydrolysate. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021, 146, 111631.
Hong H., Fan H., Bimol, Wu J. Amylase enhances production of low molecular weight collagen peptides from the skin of spent hen, bovine, porcine, and tilapia. Food Chemistry, 2021, 352, 129355.
Fan H., Bhullar K., Wu J. Spent hen muscle protein-derived RAS regulating peptides show antioxidant effects in vascular cells. Antioxidants, 2021, 10 (2), 290
Fan, H., & Wu, J. Purification and identification of novel ACE inhibitory and ACE2 upregulating peptides from spent hen muscle proteins. Food Chemistry, 2021, 345, 128867.
Fan, H., Yu, W., Liao, W., & Wu, J. Spent hen protein hydrolysate with good gastrointestinal stability and permeability in caco-2 cells shows antihypertensive activity in SHR. Foods, 2020, 9(10), 1384.
Wang X., Bhullar K., Fan H., Liao W., Qiao Y., Su D., Wu J. Regulatory Effects of a pea-derived peptide Leu-Arg-Trp (LRW) on dysfunction of rat aortic vascular smooth muscle cells against angiotensin II stimulation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(13), 3947-3953.
Hong H., Fan H., Wu J. Preparation of low-molecular-weight, collagen hydrolysates (peptides): current progress, challenges, and future perspectives. Food Chemistry, 2019, 125222.
Liao W., Fan H., Liu P., Wu J. Identification of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) up-regulating peptides from pea protein hydrolysate. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 60, 103395.
Fan H., Wang J., Liao W., Jiang X., Wu J. Identification and characterization of gastrointestinal-resistant angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from egg white proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2019, 67(257),147-7156.
Liao W., Fan H., Davidge S., Wu J. Egg white-derived antihypertensive peptide Ile-Arg-Trp (IRW) reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats via the ACE2/Ang (1-7)/Mas receptor axis. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2019, 63, 1900063.
Fan H., Liao W., Wu J. Molecular interactions, bioavailability and cellular mechanisms of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory (ACEi) peptides. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 2019, 12572.
Fan H., Xu Q., Hong H., Wu J. Stability and transport of spent hen-derived ACE-inhibitory peptides IWHHT, IWH, and IW in human intestinal Caco-2 cell monolayers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(43): 11347-11354.
Liao W., Fan H., Wu J. Egg white-derived antihypertensive peptide IRW (Ile-Arg-Trp) inhibits Ang II-stimulated migration of vascular smooth muscle cells via angiotensin type I receptor. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66(20): 5133-5138.
Li Q., Liao W., Fan H., Wu J. Optimization and scale-up preparation of egg white hydrolysate with angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory activity. Journal of Food Science, 2018, 83(6): 1762-1768.
Xu Q., Fan H., Hong H., Yu W., Wu J. Transport study of egg-derived antihypertensive peptides (LKP and IQW) using Caco-2 and HT29 co-culture monolayers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017, 65(34): 7406-7414.
Fan H., Liu X., Hong H., Shen S., Xu Q., Feng L., Luo Y. Quality changes and biogenic amines accumulation of black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) fillets stored at different temperatures. Journal of Food Protection, 2016, 79(4): 635-645.
Wang Z., Chen K., Chen J., Fan H., Luo Y. Effect of sugar on the changes in quality of lightly salted grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets under vacuum packaging at 4°C. Journal of Food Protection, 2016, 79(3): 468-476.
Yin X., Luo Y., Fan H., Feng L., Shen S. Effect of freeze-chilled treatment on flavor of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets and soups during short-term storage. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 2016, 25(5): 777-787.
Wang H., Kong C., Li D., Qin N., Fan H., Hong H., Luo Y. Modeling quality changes in brined bream (Megalobrama amblycephala) fillets during storage: comparison of the Arrhenius model, BP and RBF neural network. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2015, 8: 2429-2443.
Hong H., Fan H., Wang H., Lu H., Luo Y., Shen H. Seasonal variations of fatty acid profile in different tissues of farmed bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2015, 52(2): 903-911.
Fan H., Luo Y., Yin X., Bao Y., Feng L. Biogenic amine and quality changes in lightly salt- and sugar-salted black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) fillets stored at 4°C. Food Chemistry, 2014, 159: 20-28.
Yin X., Luo Y., Fan H., Wu H., Feng L. Effect of previous frozen storage on quality changes of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) fillets during short-term chilled storage. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014, 49: 1449-1460.
Invited Book chapters
Fan H., Wu J. Chapter 15: Food Peptides in Blood Pressure Regulation. Food Proteins and Peptides: Emerging Biofunctions, Food and Biomaterial Applications (Edited by Chibuike C. Udenigwe), 2021, pp. 371-401. United Kingdom (London): The Royal Society of Chemistry. Doi: 10.1039/9781839163425-00371
Liao, W., Jahandideh F., Fan H., Son M., Wu J. Egg Protein-Derived Bioactive Peptides: Preparation, Efficacy, and Absorption. In F. Toldrá (Ed.), Advances in Food and Nutrition Research, 2018, vol. 85 (pp. 1-58): Academic Press.
Conference Proceedings
Fan, H., Wu, J. Spent hen-derived angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) upregulating peptide reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 2021 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Journal of American Oil Chemist’ Society, 2021, 179-780. DOI: 10.21748/am21.312
Fan, H., Wu, J. Spent hen muscle protein hydrolysate reduces blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats. 2020 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Journal of American Oil Chemist’ Society, 2020, 97, 48. DOI: 10.21748/am20.159
Fan H., Wu K., Wu J. LRW does not reduce blood pressure as that of its structural analog IRW. 2020 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo. Journal of American Oil Chemist’ Society, 2020, 97, 65. DOI: 10.21748/am20.225
Professional Services
Chair, Nutrition Division, Institute of Food Technologists, 2023-2024
Chair-Elect, Nutrition Division, Institute of Food Technologists, 2022-2023
Leadership Team, Health & Nutrition Division, American Oil Chemists’ Society, 2022-2023
Leadership Team, Nutrition Division, Institute of Food Technologists, 2020-2023
Organizing Committee, Canadian Lipids and Proteins Conference, 2022