Camie Heleski

Last Revised: Oct 16th, 2023
Professional Biography
Previous Positions
Coordinator, Horse Management Program
Institute of Agricultural Technology
Appointment Date: Fall, 1991 – Summer, 2016
- Outstanding Faculty Member, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Michigan State University, 2002
- AVMA Humane Award for Non-Veterinarian, 2012
International Society for Equitation Science, President
- Scientific Research Committee member since 2007
- Co-chair ISES 2015/2013/2007 conferences
International Society for Applied Ethology
Equine Science Society (formerly Equine Nutrition & Physiology Society)
National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics
MSU Center for Gender in Global Context –Affiliated Faculty Member
MSU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies – Consulting Faculty
MSU ANS/CVM International Programs Steering Committee
Refereed Publications (Articles and Book Chapters)
Ali, Ahmed B.A., El Sayed, M.A., Matoock, M.Y., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., (Accepted Dec 2015) A welfare assessment scoring system for working equids – A method for identifying at risk populations and for monitoring progress of welfare enhancement strategies (trialed in Egypt). Applied Animal Behaviour Science,
Ali, B.A.A., El Sayed, M.A., Matoock, M.A., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., (2015)Comparing efficacy of three anthelmintic programs in working equids in Egypt. Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis, 4:4
Hall, C., Heleski, C.R. (In Review – 2015 – Invited Paper for Special Issue of Applied Animal Behaviour Science), The role of the ethogram in equitation science.
Heleski, C.R., McLean, A.K., Swanson, J.C. (2015) Ch. 17 Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys and Other Working Draught Animals in Developing Areas in Improving Animal Welfare: a Practical Approach, 2nd Ed., edited by Temple Grandin, CABI, Wallingford, UK.
Ali, Ahmed B.A., Matoock, M.Y., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., (Accepted Dec 2014) Are mules or donkeys better adapted for Egyptian brick kiln work? (Until we can change the kilns) Journal of Veterinary Behavior,
Heleski, C. Wickens, C., Minero, M., DallaCosta, E., Wu, C., Czeszak, E., Koenig von Borstel, U. 2014. Do soothing vocal cues enhance horses’ ability to learn a frightening task? Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 10, 1, 41-47.
Wickens, C., McCall, C., Bursian, S., Hanson, R., Holcombe, S., Liesman, J., McElhenney, W., Heleski, C., Trottier, N. (2013) Assessment of gastric ulceration and gastrin response in horses with history of crib-biting, Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 33, 739-745.
McLean, A.K., Heleski, C.R., Yokoyama, M.T., Wang, W., Doumbia, A., Dembele, B. (2012) Improving working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare and management in Mali, West Africa. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 7, 123-134.
Heleski, C.R., Anthony, R. (2012) Science alone is not always enough: the importance of ethical assessment for a more comprehensive view of equine welfare. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 7, 169-178.
Greene, E.A., Heleski, C.R., Ralston, S.L., Stull, C.L. (2011) Extended Abstract - Academic assessment of welfare of the BLM’s wild horse and burro program. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 31(5), 352-353.
Heleski, C.R. (2011) Horse and Human Interactions, Encyclopedia of Animal Science, 2nd Edition. Editors: W.G. Pond, D. Ullrey and C. Kirk-Baer. Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY.
Heleski, C.R., Murtazashvili, I. (2010) Daytime Shelter Seeking Behavior in Domestic Horses, Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. 5: 276-282.
Heleski, C.R., McLean, A.K., Swanson, J.C. (2010) Ch. 13 Practical Methods for Improving the Welfare of Horses, Donkeys and Other Working Draught Animals in Developing Areas in Improving Animal Welfare: a Practical Approach, 1st Ed., edited by Temple Grandin, CABI, Wallingford, UK.
Wickens, C.L., Heleski, C.R. (2010) Crib-Biting Behavior In Horses: A Review, Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 128, 1-9.
Heleski, C.R., McGreevy, P.D., Kaiser, L.J., Lavagnino, M., Tans, E., Bello, N., Clayton, H.M. (2009) Effects on behavior and rein tension on horses ridden with or without martingales and rein inserts. The Veterinary Journal, Special Issue: Equitation Science, 181(1), 56-62.
Albright, J.D., Mohammed, H.O., Heleski, C.R., Wickens, C.L., Houpt, K.A. (2009) Crib-biting in US horses: Breed predispositions and owner perceptions of aetiology, Equine Vet. J. (doi: 10.2746/042516409X372584).
Heleski, C.R., Bauson, L., Bello, N. (2008) Evaluating the Addition of Positive Reinforcement for Learning a Frightening Task – a Pilot Study with Horses, J. of Appl. Anim. Welf. Sci., special issue, 213-222.
Hall, C., Goodwin, D. Randle, H., Heleski, C., Waran, N. (2008) Is there evidence of learned helplessness in horses? J. of Appl. Anim. Welf. Sci., special issue, 249-266.
Siegford JM, Zanella AJ, Bernardo T, Heleski, CR, Wickens CL, Laughlin K, Malinowski R. (2007) Leveraging expertise in animal welfare to create educational equity. Animal Welfare, 16, 2, 241-243(3).
Wickens, C., Heleski, C.R., Bursian, S., Clark, K. (2007) Abstract – Investigating cribbing and weaving behavior in horses in Michigan, Proceedings for the International Society for Equitation Science, East Lansing, Michigan
Skelly, C., Greene, E., Heleski, C.R., Vignare, K. (2007) Poster – An update on two on-line educational opportunities for equine enthusiasts through extension and My Horse University, Proceedings for the International Society for Equitation Science, East Lansing, Michigan
Siegford JM, Daigle C, Tubbs M, Bernardo T, Heleski CR, Malinowksi R, Snider R. Abstract. Animal welfare assessment scenarios as a tool for animal production industries. 2007 Joint Annual Meeting ADSA PSA AMPA ASAS.
Heleski, C.R., A.G. Mertig, A.J. Zanella (2006) Stakeholder attitudes toward farm animal welfare. Anthrozoös 19(4) 290-307.
Heleski, C.R. and Zanella, A.J. (2006) Animal science student attitudes to farm animal welfare. Anthrozoös 19(1) 3-16.
Andersen, K., Waite, K., Heleski, C.R. (2006) 4-H Animal welfare assessment: does it work? Journal of Extension 44(6), Ideas at Work, 6IAW7.
Kaiser, L., Heleski, C.R., Siegford, J., Smith, K.A. (2006). Stress-related behaviors among horses used in a therapeutic riding program. JAVMA 228(1) 39-45.
Kaiser, L., Smith, K.A., Heleski, C.R., Spence, L.J. (2006) Effects of a therapeutic riding program on at-risk and special education children. JAVMA 228(1) 46-52.
Heleski, C.R., Mertig, A.G., Zanella, A.J. (2005). Results of a national survey of US veterinary college faculty regarding attitudes toward farm animal welfare. JAVMA 226(9)1538-1546.
Heleski, C.R., Mertig, A.G., Zanella, A.J. (2004). Assessing attitudes toward farm animal welfare: a national survey of animal science faculty. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2806-2814.
Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J. (2004) Abstract and oral presentation. Qualitative assessment of a question asked to U.S. veterinary college faculty - perceived obstacles preventing the enhancement of farm animal welfare. Proceedings of the Regional International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Purdue University, USA.
Heleski, C.R., Mertig, A.G., Zanella, A.J. (2004) Invited Speaker – Human Animal Bond Initiative, Michigan State University, USA. Attitudes toward farm animal welfare: some selected survey results. Proceedings.
Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J., Pajor, E.A. (2003). Animal welfare judging teams – a way to interface welfare science with traditional animal science curricula? Appl. Anim. Beh. Sci. 81(2003) 279-289.
Heleski, C.R., Zanella, R., Zanella, A.J. (2003). Abstract and poster. An intervention strategy for assessing and improving the welfare of Brazilian draught horses. Proc. 3rd annual Human-Animal Bond Initiative Conference. East Lansing, Michigan.
Zanella, R., Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J.. (2003). Abstract and poster. Assessment of the MSU Equine Welfare Intervention Strategy using Brazilian draught horses as a case study. Proc. 37th International Society for Applied Ethology Meeting. Abano Terme, Italy.
Zanella, R., Heleski, C.R., Luz, M., Zanella, A.J. (2003). Assessment of the Michigan State University Equine Welfare Intervention Strategy (MSU-EQWIS-ACTION) using Brazilian draught horses as a case study. In: Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Animal Production. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
Heleski, C.R., Shelle, A.C., Nielsen, B.D., Zanella, A.J. (2002). Influence of housing on weanling horse behavior and subsequent welfare. Appl. Anim. Beh. Sci. 78(2002) 291-302.
Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J., Pajor, E.A.. (2002). A novel method for teaching animal welfare concepts: animal welfare judging teams. J. Anim. Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1 Abstracts), 164.
Refereed Abstracts and Invited Presentations
Midwest ASAS presentation & abstract: Invited talk (2016): Heleski, C.R., Equine welfare in a competitive setting…what can 10+ years of research by the Equitation Science community tell us?
Accepted abstract for 2015 International Society for Equitation Science conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ali, Ahmed B.A., Gutwein, K., Hitzler, P., Heleski, C.R., Assessing the influence of nose twitching during a potentially aversive husbandry procedure (ear clipping) using behavioral and physiological measures.
Accepted abstract for 2015 International Society for Equitation Science conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Greene, E., Wickens, C., Heleski, C., Brady, C. An exploration of factors affecting viewpoints of ISES Conference attendees.
Accepted abstract for 2015 Equine Science Society conference, St. Petersburg, FL, USA. Ali, Ahmed B.A., El Sayed, M.A., Matoock, M.Y., Fouad, M.A., Heleski, C.R., Prevalence of strongyle infection in working equids of Egypt and comparison of three deworming strategies.
Accepted abstract for 2014 Working Equid Colloquium, held in London, July 2014: Bott, R., McLean, A., Heleski, C. Community-based participatory research interfaced with equine welfare assessment to learn about working equids and their owners in Vera Cruz, Mexico
Accepted abstract & poster presentation for 2014 International Society for Equitation Science, Denmark: Greene, E., Wickens, C., Heleski, C. Brady, C. Assessing the Impact and Viewpoints of Attendees of the 2013 International Society for Equitation Science Conference.
Ali, A.B., Matoock, M.Y., Heleski, C.R. Abstract & Poster for the 2014 North American ISAE Conference, East Lansing, MI: Are mules or donkeys better adapted for Egyptian brick kiln work? (Until we can change the kilns)
Heleski, C.R., McLean, A. Abstract & Poster for the 2014 North American ISAE Conference, East Lansing, MI: What about the other 90%? A look at working equids (horses, donkeys, mules & hinnies)
Accepted abstract & oral presentation for 2014 International Society for Equitation Science, Denmark: Visser, K., Heleski, C.R. Strengths and limitations of measuring HR, HRV & cortisol.
Abstracts in the Proceedings for the International Society for Equitation Science, USA, July 17-20, 2013.
Waite, K, Heleski, C, Ewing, M. Creating and validating a survey to assess sportsmanship in horse show participants.
Heleski, C, McLean, A. An update on the Equitarian Initiative – do working equids fit within the scope of equitation science?
Abstracts in the Proceedings for the International Society for Equitation Science, Scotland, July 18-20, 2012:
Visser, K., Munsters, C., Roost, L., McGreevy, P., Heleski, C. Trainers and scientists differ when scoring stress-related behaviors in ridden horses
Rombach, N., Heleski, C., Stubbs, N., Clayton, H. A pilot study to develop an ethogram for assisting in the identification of equine neck pain during manual clinical assessment.
Waite, K., Heleski, C., Ewing, M. Does aggressive riding behavior of youth barrel racers influence competition time or undesirable horse behavior? (in preparation for publication)
Heleski, C., Wickens, C., Minero, M., DallaCosta, E., Dzeszak, E., Koenig von Borstel, U. Do horses recognize the difference between harsh tones and soothing tones when using voice as a reinforce for learning a frightening task?
Van Iwaarden, A., Heleski, C.R., Clayton, H.M. (2011) Abstract - Assessment of sensitivity to pressure in the girth area before and during a foundation training in ten horses. Proceedings of the 7th International Equitation Science Conference, The Netherlands.
Heleski, C.R. (2011) Invited presentation – What is ‘science’? – Benefits & limitations. Proceedings of the 7th International Equitation Science Conference, The Netherlands.
Heleski, C.R., Greene, E.A., Ralston, S.L., Stull, C.L. (2011) Abstract – Using horse behavior to enhance the welfare of wild horse gathers: observations of four designated observers. Proceedings of the 7th International Equitation Science Conference, The Netherlands.
Greene, E.A., Heleski, C.R., Ralston, S.L., Stull, C.L. (2011) Abstract – Independent observer pilot program: an objective evaluation method for determining humane handling and welfare during wild horse gathers. Proceedings of the 7th International Equitation Science Conference, The Netherlands.
Heleski, C.R., Hitzler, P. (2011) Abstract – Worth their weight in gold…the value of lesson horses. Proceedings 2011 National Association of Equine Affiliated Academics, Tennessee.
Heleski, C.R., Golab, G., Millman, S., Reynnells, R., Siegford, J., Swanson, J. (2011) The Animal Welfare Judging & Assessment Competition (AWJAC) – a review of the 1st 10 years. Proceedings of the 2011 International Society for Applied Ethology Congress, Indiana, USA.
McLean, A.K., Heleski, C.R., Yokoyama, M.T., Carleton, C., Marteniuk, J., Wang, W. (2011) Evaluating learning theory in donkeys (Equus asinus) while measuring heart rate variability and behaviour when teaching donkeys to drive to a cart. Abstract printed in JVB, 6(5), 293.
McLean, A.K., Heleski, C.R., Yokoyama, M.T., Wang, W., Doumbia, A., Dembele, B. (2010) Assessing working donkey (Equus asinus) welfare status on a sub-population of Malian donkeys and knowledge and skills among para-professionals and professionals in Mali, West Africa. Abstract. 6th International Colloquium on Working Equids, New Delhi, India.
Heleski, C.R., Bello, N. (2010) Abstract - Evaluating memory of a learning theory experiment one year later in horses, Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 5(4) 213.
Heleski, C.R. (2010) Invited presentation and abstract for the Midwest ASAS/ADSA Meeting – An update on horse welfare, contrasting the issues between developed countries and developing countries.
Lewis, E., Heleski, C.R. (2009 – Abstract & Oral Presentation) Internships: a review of 10 years’ data in Michigan State University’s Horse Management Program, Proceedings of the 1st National Assn. of Equine Affiliated Academics, Colorado.
Heleski, C.R., Heyboer, G., Skelly, C. (2009 – Poster & Abstract) My Horse University: Online educational experiences for higher education, adult learners and youth, Proceedings of the 1st National Assn. of Equine Affiliated Academics, Colorado.
Wickens, C.L., McCall, C.A., Bursian, S., Hanson, R.R., Holcombe, S.J., Liesman, J.S., McElhenney, W.H., Heleski, C., Trottier, N.L. (2008) Gastric ulceration in mature horses with history of crib-biting. Proc. 42nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Dublin, Ireland. p 29.
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R., Bauson, L. (2008) Donkeys and bribes…maybe more than just a cartoon! Proc. 42nd Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology. Dublin, Ireland, p. 72.
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R., Bauson, L. (2008) Evaluating learning theory in horses and donkeys when presented with a novel task. Proc. 4th Conference of the International Society for Equitation Science. Dublin, Ireland, p. 24.
Heleski, C.R. (2008) Ethical perspectives on the unwanted horse issue & the US ban on equine slaughter. In Proceedings from The Unwanted Horse Issue: What Now? a forum sponsored by the USDA, Washington D.C., June, 2008.
Heleski, C.R., Skelly, C.D., Tomlinson, T., Zanella, A.J., Waite, K. (2006) Abstract and oral presentation. Horse show ethics – survey results from a US adult extension workshop. Proceedings of the 2nd International Equitation Science Symposium, Milan, Italy.
Hecker-Jimmerson, K., Heleski, C.R., Kaiser, L. (2006) Abstract and oral presentation. Mood changes in teenage girls interacting with their horses: a pilot study. Proceedings of the 2006 North American Riding for the Handicapped Association (NARHA) Conference, Indianapolis, USA.
Heleski, C.R. (2005). Current status of farm animal welfare – Overview of land grant university courses and educational initiatives: examples from Michigan State University. Proceedings of the Future Trends in Animal Agriculture conference. Washington D.C.
Skelly, C.D., Heleski, C.R., Tomlinson, T., Zanella, A.J., Waite, K.L. (2005) Development, delivery and survey results from a horse show ethics adult extension workshop. Equine Science Society Proceedings, Arizona. Tucson, AZ, 272-277.
Waltman, R., Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J. (2002). The impact of the animal welfare judging team experience on undergraduate students. Proc. Regional International Society for Applied Ethology Meeting. Quebec City, Quebec.
Moons, C., Heleski, C.R., Leece, C.M., Zanella, A.J. (2002). Conflicting results in the association between plasma and salivary cortisol levels in foals. Proc. Havemeyer workshop on equine welfare. Iceland.
Heleski, C.R., Zanella, A.J., Pajor, E.A. (2001). Animal welfare judging teams – can this be a way to interface welfare science with traditional animal science curricula? Proc. 35th Congress of the ISAE, UC Davis, USA.
Heleski, C.R. (2001). Development of an effective teaching program for teaching collegiate horsemanship. Proc. 17th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society, Lexington, Kentucky.
Heleski, C.R., Shelle, A.C., Nielsen, B.D., Zanella, A.J. (1999). Comparison of behavior and welfare in weanling horses under two industry-practiced weaning methods. Proc. 33rd International Society for Applied Ethology Congress. Lillehammer, Norway. p. 96.
Heleski. C.R., Shelle, J.E. (1997). Developing a racing component as a curriculum option for animal science and horse management students. Proc. 15th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society, Fort Worth, Texas. p. 175.
Heleski, C.R., Soutas-Little, R.W., Shelle, J.E. (1993). The application of three-dimensional kinematic methodology to the equine knee and ankle joints. Proc. 13th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Society, Florida. p. 213.
Outreach Publications/Online Resources/Invited Presentations without Refereed Abstracts/ Interviews for Subsequent Articles – (selected listings)
The Horse – Behavior Questions Column – Why might a young horse grind his teeth under stress? – Sept 2015, C. Heleski
The Horse – Behavior Questions Column – A mare’s complicated trick or something else? – Sept 2015, C. Heleski
Dec 2015 – The Horse – Christa Lesté-Laserre – Head Tack Mechanics (Interviewed)
Oct 2015 – The Horse – Alexandra Beckstett, How does nose twitching affect a horse? (Interviewed)
Oct 2015 – The Horse – Stacey Oke, All wound up (Interviewed)
Invited Speaker – Michigan Veterinary Medical Association’s Animal Welfare Conference – Nov 2015, C. Heleski – An update on equine welfare: contrasting the issues between developed and developing regions of the world
Accepted workshop at the 2015 Equine Science Society conference, Florida, US. Equitation Science & Learning Theory – A strategic approach to enhancing equine behavior and welfare curriculum. C. Heleski, C. Brady, B. Greene, K. Merkies, K. Waite, C. Wickens, A. Telatin
2015 & 2013 Guest lecturer & discussion board – Kelly Hecker Jimmerson’s class, University of Guelph online, Changing human attitudes to improve equine welfare
Interview and subsequent article <via Melissa Elischer> on the Animal Welfare Judging & Assessment contest, 2014:
Stereotypic behavior in horses – why does my horse do that? January 2014, Invited speaker (Fred Pearce Memorial Lecture) and abstract, Alberta Horse Breeders and Owners Conference, Canada
Invited presentation, AVMA Convention, Denver, CO, 2014 – What does a scientific evaluation of an animal’s welfare look like?
Regional Equitation Science Meeting, Rome, Italy – November 2013, Invited speaker and abstract: Knowing equine behavior and learning in order to enhance “fair” horse training
Feb 2013 – The Horse – Christa Leste Lasserre – Horses’ inherent response to harsh, soothing tones evaluated
1st USA Donkey Welfare Symposium, University California Davis – November 2013, Invited speaker and abstract: Behavior of donkeys – comparisons and contrasts with horses. C.R. Heleski and A.C. McLean
Working equids in developing areas of the world – invited presentation for online class hosted by University of Delaware, lead instructor – Carissa Wickens
Unwanted horse issues – what are they? How did we get here? What now? – invited presentation and abstract for the Michigan Veterinary Medical Association Animal Welfare Symposium, November 2013; also Equine Veterinary Student Club activity, November 2013
Chris Stafford Radio with Dr. Inga Wolframm and Dr. Camie Heleski – updates on Equitation Science and the 2013 ISES Conference
Heleski, C., Cinq-Mars, D., Dowling, P., Merkies, K., Stampfli, H., Cottee, S., deWit, J. (2012) Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines: Review of Scientific Research on Priority Issues
Code Committee (2012) National Farm Animal Care Council of Canada – Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Equines
Heleski, C.R. – Webcast for University of Guelph online Horse Behavior & Welfare class (2012 & 2013 & 2015) – Changing human attitudes to improve equine welfare.
Heleski, C.R. – Training Principles, Equitation Science (2012)
Heleski, C.R. – What in the world is learning theory? E-Quine Expert, MyHorseUniversity (2012)
Heleski, C.R. – Working Donkey Infomercial via YouTube (2012)
Heleski, C.R. – online article for Michigan Youth Horseman (Winter/Spring 2012) – What in the world is learning theory? And what does it have to do with me and my horse?
Heleski, C.R. – resource expert for Cabin fever Cure in Stable Management magazine (2012)
Heleski, C.R. – Webcast for South Dakota State University (2011) – an Update on Equine Welfare Issues; archived for future use with My Horse University.
Heleski, C.R. – Invited speaker for CCSAW Welfare Symposium, University of Guelph: An update on horse welfare, contrasting the issues between developed and less developed areas of the world.
2010, July – MSU Ag Expo – Behavioral considerations when choosing horse housing options
2010 – Critical Control Points for assessing horse welfare – for animal control officer workshop, Jackson, MI
Independent Designated Observer Pilot Program Final Report (2010) (a report commissioned by the American Horse Protection Act for the observations of wild mustang gathers: observers – B. Greene, C. Heleski, S. Ralston, C. Stull)
Blood-Horse Study: shelter-seeking behavior most common in poor weather conditios (written by Marie Rosenthal) Nov 2010 (interview)
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R., Yokoyama, M. (2009) A trip to Mali to study the welfare of working donkeys – in The BRAYER, Vol 42, 6, Nov/Dec, 86-87.
July 2009 – The Horse – Brazilian cart horse care a focus for MSU researcher (interviewed; written by MSU Extension)
July 2009 – Nancy Zacks (nterviewed) Study “rein modifiers helpful for novice riding lessons - The Horse
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R., Yokoyama, M. (2009) The welfare of working donkeys in Mali – in Mules and More, Vol 19, 12, Oct, 46-48.
Heleski, C.R., McLean, A. (2009) A Basic Guide to Donkey Care & Handling, translated to French by Nicole Rombach.
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R. (2009) Added online module on donkeys and mule behavior to My Horse University Behavior & Welfare module.
McLean, A., Heleski, C.R. (2008) Donkey behavior: a comparative study of donkey and horse behavior. June 2, 2008. Retrieved 1/05/09.
Heleski, C.R.(2008) Flow Chart to help explain the problem of unwanted horses & loss of salvage value markets.
Heleski, C.R. (2008) Online Web Presentation - Clarifying learning theory terminology in order to enhance “fair” horse training
2008, July – The Horse (interviewed by Stacey Oke) Study: Positive reinforcement aids equine training
Heleski, C.R., editor (2007) A Children’s Guide to Basic Horse Care and Handling - Written by members of the MSU Cart Horse Aid Initiative – Stephanie Dawes, Sarah Gray, Camie Heleski, Christine Hudecek, Kristine Kosteci, Melissa Liszewski, Laura Simmons, Andrea Trist, Danielle VanDine & Beth Ventura, translated to Portuguese by Raquel Tabet.
Heleski, C.R. (2007) Online Course – Horse Behavior & Welfare – through MyHorseUniversity,
Kaiser, L., Heleski, C.R. (2006) Therapeutic riding: does it make a difference? Proceedings for Proud Equestrian Program volunteer training. Kellogg Biological Station. February, 2006.
Skelly, C., Heleski, C.R. (2003) Horse show ethics – How do you place? Recap of the survey results. MSU Equine Newsletter, Summer.
Heleski, C.R. (2003) Lesson plan for downward transitions. and What to look for in a good lesson program. Proc. MSU Adult Riding Clinic.
Heleski, C.R. (2003) Horse welfare assessment and Horse welfare ethical questions. Proc. CANR Week.
Heleski, C.R. (2002) Working with a horse who has social separation anxiety, originally in Dressage Today, now available on Equisearch
Heleski, C.R.(2002) The behavioral response of horses to housing. Proc. CANR Week.
Heleski, C.R. (2002) Preparing the youth dressage rider for show day. Proc. MSU Adult Riding Clinic.
Heleski, C.R. (2000) Transitions and engagement…who cares about it if you’re not showing your horse? Proc. MSU Adult Riding Clinic.
Heleski, C.R. (1999) Collection and transitions in horsemanship. Proc. MSU Adult Riding Clinic.
Heleski, C.R. (1998) Influence of housing on behavior in weanling horses. Proc. CANR Week.
Heleski, C.R. (1998) Selecting and buying your first horse. MSU Equine Newsletter.
Heleski, C.R. (1996) Tack selection and fitting. Proc. MSU Adult Riding Clinic.
Heleski, C.R. (1995) Step by step guide to balancing horse diets. Classroom and seminar use.
Heleski, C.R., Brady, C.M. (1994) Beginner’s survival guide to horse ownership.