Jacqueline Jacob

Last Revised: Oct 17th, 2023
Professional Biography
Book Chapters
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2016. Assessing the sustainability of organic egg production. Chapter 31 in "Achieving sustainable cultivation of eggs.". J. Roberts (ed.). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited.
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2012. Chapter 22. Prebiotics. In Organic Meat Production and Processing. Edited by S.C. Ricke, E. J. van Loo, M.G. Johnson, and C.A. O'Bryan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. pages 379-405.
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2012. Chapter 21. Gut health and organic acids, antimicrobial peptides, and botanicals as natural feed additives. In Organic Meat Production and Processing. Edited by S.C. Ricke, E. J. van Loo, M.G. Johnson, and C.A. O'Bryan. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. pages 351-378.
Journal Articles
Olojede, O.C., M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, T. Ao, A.J. Pescatore, and S.A. Adedokun. 2018. The effect of drying method, temperature, collection period, and marker type on apparent ileal amino acid digestibility in 21-day-old broilers feed corn-soybean meal-barley based diets. Poultry Science 97(6):2106-2112.
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, and J.P. Jacob. 2018. Investigating the effect of dietary calcium levels on ileal endogenous amino acid losses and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in broilers and laying hens. Poultry Science 97(1):131-139.
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, A. Helmbrecht. 2017. Examining the effect of dietary electrolyte balance, energy source, and length of feeding of nitrogen-free diets on ileal endogenous amino acid losses in broilers. Poultry Science 96(9):3351-3360.
Raab, D., S. Dasgupta, J. Kelso, A.D. Wright, R.C. Bryant, A. Pescatore, and J. Jacob. 2017. Selling live heritage breed poultry to Hispanics. Journal of National Association of County Agricultural Agents 10(1): Online at www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=695
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2017. Glucans and the poultry immune system. American Journal of Immunology. 13(1):45-49.
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2014. Barley beta-glucan in poultry diets. Annals of Translational Medicine. Annals of Translational Medicine 92(2):20-26.
Jacob, J.P., and A.J. Pescatore. 2012. Use of barley in poultry diets: A review. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 21:915-940.
Jacob, J.P., S.L. Noll, and J.A. Brannon. 2008. Comparison of the metabolic energy content of organic cereal grains for chickens and turkeys. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17:540-544.
Jacob, J.P., and C.A. Carter. 2008. Inclusion of buckwheat in organic broiler diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17: 522-528.
Jacob, J.P., N. Levendoski, and W. Goldstein. 2008. Inclusion of high methionine corn in organic pullet diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 17:440-445.
Jacob, J.P., J.B. Bender, and J.P. Griggs. 2008. Characterization of small-scale antibiotic-free broiler production in Minnesota. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17: 412-420.
Jacob, J.P. 2007. Nutrient content of organically grown feedstuffs. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 16: 642-651.
Jacob, J.P. 2007. Use of Illinois Bundle Flower in chick starter diets. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 16: 39-44.
Griggs, J.P., J.B. Bender, and J.P. Jacob 2006. Microbial safety of chicken raised without antibiotics. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 15: 475-482.
Griggs, J.P., and J.P. Jacob, 2005. Alternatives to antibiotics for organic poultry production. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 14:750-756.
Kidder, G., H.H. Van Horn, L.W. Schnell, J.P. Jacob, and R. Mylavarpu. 2001. Introduction to preparing nutrient management plans. Circular 1247. The University of Florida.
Ibrahim, S., J.P. Jacob, and R. Blair. 2000. Phytase supplementation to reduce phosphorus excretion of broilers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 8:414-425.
Blair, R., J.P. Jacob, S. Ibrahim, and P. Wang. 1999. A quantitative assessment of the use of reduced protein diets supplemented with amino acids to improve nitrogen utilization and reduce the nitrogen excretion of broilers and layers. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 8:25-47.
I.K.Paik, Robert Blair, and Jacqueline Jacob. 1997. Strategies to reduce environmental pollution from animal manure: Principles and Nutritional Management. Asian-Australasian J. Animal Science (AJAS) Vol.9 (No.6) 615-635.
Jacob, J.P., B.N. Mitaru, P.N. Mbugua, and R. Blair, 1997. The nutritive value of Kenyan sorghum for poultry. Tropical Science 37(1):43-48.
Jacob, J.P., B.N. Mitaru, P.N. Mbugua, and R. Blair, 1996. The effect of substituting Kenyan Serena sorghum for maize in broiler starter diets with different dietary crude protein and methionine levels. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 61(1-4):27-39.
Jacob, J.P., B.N. Mitaru, P.N. Mbugua, and R. Blair, 1996. The feeding value of Kenyan sorghum, sunflower seed cake and sesame seed cake for broilers and layers. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 61(1-4): 41-56.
Paik, I., R Blair, and J. Jacob, 1996. Strategies to reduce environmental pollution from animal manure: principles and nutritional management. Proceedings of the International Symposium for the 20th Anniversary of Korean Society of Animal Nutrition and Feedstuffs, Seoul, Korea, June 13-14, 1996. pp. 227-266.
Blair, R., M. Facon, R.J. Bildfell, B.D. Owen, and J. P. Jacob, 1996. Tolerance of young pigs for dietary vitamin A and b-carotene, with special reference to the immune response. Can. J. An. Sc. 76:121-126.
Blair, R., M. Bohman, J.P. Jacob, and E. Mypisi. 1995. Economic analysis of a feeding strategy to reduce environmental pollution from poultry wastes in the Fraser Valley. Environment Canada. April 12, 1995 research report.
Jacob, J.P., R. Blair, L.E. Hart, and E.E. Gardiner. 1991. The Effect of Taurine Transport Antagonists on Cardiac Taurine Concentration and the Incidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in Male Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science 70:561-567.
Blair, R., J.P. Jacob, and E.E. Gardiner. 1991. Lack of an Effect of Taurine Supplementation on the Incidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in Male Broiler Chicks. Poultry Science 70:554-560.
Jacob, J.P., R. Blair, and E.E. Gardiner. 1990. Effect of Dietary Lactate and Glucose on the Incidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in Male Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science 69: 1529-1532.
Blair, R., J.P. Jacob, and E.E. Gardiner. 1990. Effect of Dietary Protein Source and Cereal Type on the Incidence of Sudden Death Syndrome in Broiler Chickens. Poultry Science 69:1331-1338.
Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
McCrea, B., J. Moyle, A. Fanatico, T. Lavergne, and J. Jacob. 2018. Balancing small flock extension with research planning: resources and strategies. Annual Poultry Science Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas July 23-26, 2018. Abstract 616S.
Pescatore, A., J. Jacob, G. Rentfrow, M. Ford, T. Fisher, S. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2018. The influence of genetics, housing system, and storage time on changes to breast meat color. Poster at the annual Poultry Science Association in San Antonio, Texas July 23-26, 2018. Abstract P205.
Jacob, J., A. Pescatore, G. Rentfrow, M. Ford, T. Fisher, S. Adedokun. 2018. Meat color of breast meat from broilers and alternative breeds finished on the floor or on pasture. Poster at the annual Poultry Science Association in San Antonio, Texas July 23-26, 2018. Abstract P206.
Olojede, O., M. Ford, J. Jacob, T. Ao, A. Pescatore, and S. Adedokun. 2017. The effect of sampling method, marker type, drying methods, and temperature on apparent ileal amino acid digestibility in 21-d-old broilers. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association, Orlando, FL. Abstract #131.
Pescatore, A., M. Bear, G. Rentfrow, J. Jacob, T. Fisher, M. Paul, and M. Ford. 2017. Sensory evaluation and cooking yields of chicken meat from heritage breeds or broilers reared on pasture or in floor pens. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Poultry Science Association, Orlando, FL. Abstract #577P.
Jacob, J., A. Pescatore, M. Ford, T. Fisher, S. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2017. Nutrient content of breast meat from broilers and alternative breeds finished on the floor or on pasture. Presented at the SPSS. January 2017. Abstract P194.
Jacob, J., A. Pescatore, M. Ford, T. Fisher, S. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2017. Nutrient content of meat from broilers finished on the floor or on pasture. Presented at the SPSS. January 2017. Abstract P197.
Jacob, J., A. Pescatore, M. Ford, T. Fisher, S. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2017. Nutrient content of thigh meat from broilers and alternative breeds finished on the floor or on pasture. Presented at the SPSS. January 2017. Abstract P194.
Pescatore, A., T. Fisher, J. Jacob, and M. Ford. 2017. The potential impact of replacing broilers with slower-growing strains on industry resources and infrastructure. Presented at the SPSS annual meeting in Atlanta, GA. January 2017. Abstract M68.
Fisher, T., A.J. Pescatore, J.P. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of sex and feed ingredients on carcass yields of commercial broilers and Rhode Island Reds. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):7
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, and T. Ao. 2016. Examining the effect of high dietary calcium on ileal endogenous amino acid losses and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in broilers. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):91
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, and T. Ao. 2016. Evaluating the effect of dietary calcium levels on ileal endogenous amino acid losses and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in laying hen. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):136
Fisher, T., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of feed ingredients and breed of chicken on meat quality. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):172
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2016. Growth performance of broiler chickens and heritage breeds raised on pasture. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):125
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. Carcass yield of broiler chickens and heritage breeds raised on pasture. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1): 125
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, Harold D. Gillespie, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of raising different breeds of chicken on pasture on skeletal development. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):126
Bear, M., G. Rentfrow, J. Jacob, A. Pescatore, T. Fisher, M. Paul, and M. Ford. 2016. The effect of pasture vs indoor rearing on the breast filet shelf life of commercial-meat chickens and alternative breeds. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):198
Jacob, J., B. Newton, A. Pescatore, H.D. Gillespie, and S. Dasgupta. 2016. FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Insect populations on mixed grasses versus alfalfa pastures. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):272
Jacob, J., B. Newton, A. Pescatore, H.D. Gillespie, and S. Dasgupta. 2016. FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Effect of pasture crop selection on the insect population. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1): 276.
Fisher, T., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2016. Carcass traits of heritage chicken breeds using sorghum and field peas to replace corn and soybean meal in diets. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):280.
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, M. Ford, J. Jacob, T. Ao, and A. Helmbrecht. 2016. Energy source and not dietary electrolyte balance influenced ileal endogenous amino acid losses in 21 d-old broilers fed nitrogen-free diets. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):287.
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, J. Jacob, M. Ford, T. Ao, and A. Helmbrecht. 2016. Examining the effect of dietary electrolyte balance, energy source, and length of feeding of nitrogen-free diets on ileal endogenous amino acid losses in broilers Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):242.
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, M. Ford, J. Jacob, T. Ao, A.Helmbrecht. 2015. Energy source and not dietary electrolyte balance influenced ileal endogenous amino acid losses in 21 d-old broilers fed nitrogen-free diets. Poster presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting.
Fisher, T., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, T. Ao.. 2015. Carcass traits of heritage chicken breeds using sorghum and field peas to replace corn and soybean meal in diets. Poster presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting.
Jacob, J., B. Newton, A. Pescatore, H Gillespie, S. Dasgupta. 2015. FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Effect of pasture crop selection on insect population. Poster presentation at the Poultry Science Association meeting. Poster presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting.
Jacob, J., B. Newton, A. Pescatore, H.D. Gillespie, S. Dasgupta. 2015. FIELD OBSERVATIONS: Insect populations on mixed grasses versus alfalfa pastures. Poster presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting.
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, J. Jacob, M. Ford, T. Ao, and A. Helmbrecht. 2015. Examining the effect of dietary electrolyte balance, energy source, and length of feeding of nitrogen-free diets on ileal endogenous amino acid losses in broilers. Presentation at the Poultry Science Association meeting.
Bear, M., G. Rentfrow, J. Jacob, A. Pescatore, T. Fisher, M. Paul, and M. Ford. 2015. The effect of pasture vs indoor rearing on the breast filet shelf-life of commercial-meat chickens and alternative breeds. Presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting.
T. Fisher, A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2015. Use of sorghum and field peas to replace corn and soybean meal in diets for heritage chicken breeds. Presentation at the Poultry Science Association annual meeting
Fisher, T.M., A.J. Pescatore, J.P. Jacob, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford, and T. Ao. 2015. Effects of alternative feedstuffs and dietary enzyme on the performance of alternative breeds of chickens. Presented at the International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA. January 26-27, 2015.
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, T.M. Fisher, and M.J. Ford. 2014. Evaluation of the methionine requirement for three dual-purpose chicken breeds. Abstract 356P. Poster presentation at the annual PSA meeting. Corpus Christi, TX. July 14-17, 2014.
Fisher, T.M., A.J. Pescatore, J.P. Jacob, M.A. Paul, M. van Benschoten, L. Good, A.H. Cantor, and M.J. Ford. 2014. Growth and nutrient intake patterns of meat-type strains and heritage breeds of chickens using a self-selection feeding program. Abstract 8. Oral presentation at the annual PSA meeting. Corpus Christi, TX. July 14-17, 2014.
Jacob, J., A. Pescatore, T. Fisher, M. Ford, A. Cantor, M. Paul, M. Van Benschoten, and L. Good. 2014. Potential of alternative egg production breeds for small-scale poultry production. Abstract P193. Poster presentation at the 2014 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA. Jan 27-28, 2014.
T. Fisher, A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, M. Paul, M. van Benschoten, L. Good, A. Cantor, and M. Ford. 2014. Grain preference of alternative breeds used for meat production determined through a self-selected feeding program. Abstract P265. Poster presentation at the 2014 International Poultry Scientific Forum. Atlanta, GA. Jan 27-28, 2014.
T. M. Fisher, A. J. Pescatore, J. P. Jacob, M. A. Paul, M. van Benschoten, L. R. Good, A. H. Cantor, and M. J. Ford. 2013. Growth performance, nutrient, and energy intake of alternative breed replacement pullets provided through the use of a self-selection feeding program. Poster presentation at the 2013 PSA Annual Meeting
T. M. Fisher, A. J. Pescatore, J. P. Jacob, M. A. Paul, M. van Benschoten, L. R. Good, A. H. Cantor, and M. J. Ford. 2013. Growth performance, nutrient, and energy intake of alternative breeds used for meat production provided through the use of a self-selection feeding program. Oral presentation at the 2013 PSA Annual Meeting
T. M. Fisher, A. J. Pescatore, J. P. Jacob, M. A. Paul, M. van Benschoten, L. R. Good, A. H. Cantor, and M. J. Ford. 2013. Carcass traits of alternative breed meat birds provided either a self-selected feeding program or a complete broiler starter diet. Poster presentation at the 2013 PSA Annual Meeting.
Morello, G.M., D. G. Overhults, I. M. Lopes, J. Earnest Jr., R. S. Gates, A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, M. Miller. 2012. Broiler Facilities in Kentucky: Energy-related characteristics of housing and equipment. Presented at the 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting.
J.P. Jacob and A.J. Pescatore. 2011. New eXtension Community of Practice for small and backyard poultry flocks. Poul. Sci. 91(Suppl. 1):102.
Pescatore, A.J., J. Jacob and M. Miller. 2011. A field study to evaluate the efficiency of four types of incinerators on broiler breeder farms. Abstract 457 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Overhults, D.G., A. Pescatore, I. Lopes, G. Morello, J.P. Jacob. 2010. Overview of lighting systems in Kentucky broiler house. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.): Abstract #73
Overhults, D.G., A.J. Pescatore, I. Lopes, G. Morello, J.P. Jacob, J. Earnest Jr., M. Miller, and R.S. Gates. 2010. Air velocities in poultry houses raising large broilers. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl.): 691.
Overhults, D.G., G.M. Morello, I.M. Lopes, R.S. Gates, J.W. Earnest, Jr., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, and M. Miller. 2010. Broiler house fan performance. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International meeting in Pennsylvania, June 20-23, 2010.
Lopes, I.M. D.G. Overhults, G.M. Morella, J. Earnest, Jr., R.S. Gates, A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, and M. Miller. 2010. Broiler house air leakage. ASABE Annual International meeting in Pennsylvania, June 20-23, 2010.
Overhults, D.G., I.M. Lopes, G.M. Morello, A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, M. Miller, R.S. Gates, and J.W. Earnest, Jr. 2010. Energy use in Kentucky broiler houses. A poster presentation at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International meeting in Pennsylvania, June 20-23, 2010.
Overhults, D.G., A. Pescatore, I. Lopes, G. Morello, J. Earnest Jr, M. Miller, J.P. Jacob, and R.S. Gates. 2010. Using thermal imaging for poultry house energy assessments. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.):49. Abstract #P160
Overhults, D. G., A. Pescatore, R.S. Gates, J.P. Jacob, M. Miller, and J. Earnest, Jr. 2009. House characteristics and energy utilization in poultry houses raising small broilers. Poultry Science 88(Supp. 1): 192.
Overhults, D. G., A. Pescatore, R.S. Gates, J.P. Jacob, M. Miller, J. Earnest, Jr. 2009. The Kentucky Poultry House Evaluation Service. Poultry Science 88(Supp. 1): 193.
Overhults, D. G., A. Pescatore, R.S. Gates, J.P. Jacob, M. Miller, J. Earnest Jr. 2009. House characteristics and energy utilization in poultry houses raising large broilers. 2009. Poultry Science 88(Supp. 1): 87.
Miller, M., J.P. Jacob, A. Pescatore, D.G. Overhults, R.S. Gates. 2009. Multifacet, grower-driven education program. 2009 Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting. Poultry Science 88(Supp. 1): 65.
D.G. Overhults, R.S. Gates, A. Pescatore, J.P. Jacob, M. Miller, and J.W. Earnest Jr. 2009. Field tests of ventilation fan performance and energy efficiency. Oral presentation given at the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting in Reno, Nevada. June 21-24, 2009.
Timmons, J., J. Jacob, R. Reynnells. 2008. Proceedings of the 2007 National Extension Workshop at the Joint Animal, Dairy, and Poultry Science Associations annual meeting. San Antonio, TX. July 10, 2007.
Griggs, J., J. Bender, and J. Jacob. 2005. Overview of management practices of small flock owners in Minnesota. Poultry Sci 84 (Suppl 1): 64.
Griggs, J.P., J.B. Bender, and J.P. Jacob. 2005. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria on broiler carcasses raised in small flock production systems without routine antibiotics. Poultry Sci 84 (Suppl 1):79.
Jacob, J. 2005. A tool for training 4-H poultry judging team – an interactive CD-ROM. Poultry Sci 84 (Suppl 1):65.
Jacob, J.P. 2005. Alternative feedstuffs for organic poultry. Presented at the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention in the Organic/Free-range poultry session. Published in the proceedings distributed at the convention. Pages 158-164.
Jacob, J.P. 2004. National Poultry Extension Workshop: How should extension support natural/organic/niche markets? Presented at the PSA/ADSA/ASAS joint meeting, July 2004. Proceedings handed out at the workshop. Pages 91-92.
Jacob, J.P. 2002. Nutrition for alternative poultry production. Presented at the MN Nutrition Conference, September 2002. Pages 183-190.