Ann Leed

Last Revised: Oct 17th, 2023
Professional Biography
Teaching Experience
- Academic Program Coordinator, University of Kentucky (2012-present)
- Courses
- ASC 205: Livestock, People and Their Interactions
- UK 101: Academic Orientation
- Advise over 60 students
- Courses
- Instructor, Mississippi State University (2006-2012)
- Courses
- Livestock Evaluation
- Livestock Management Practices
- Swine Science
- Growth, Development and Evaluation
- Advised 40 students/year
- Advised the Block and Bridle Club
- Courses
- Teaching Assistant, University of California-Davis (2004-2006)
- Animal Science I
- Handling and management of poultry, goats, cattle, horses, sheep, swine, and aquaculture
- Reproductive Physiology 121
- Training and collection of bulls for semen collection, artificial insemination of cattle, vasectomy and castration surgeries on mice, and sperm morphology
- Animal Science I
- Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University (2003-2004)
- Introduction to Animal Science
- Handling and management of poultry, cattle, horses, sheep, and swine
- Introduction to Animal Science
Professional Membership
National Academic Advising Association (2012-present)
Gamma Delta (2010-present)
Honors and Awards
Excellence in Teaching Overall Award (2010)
Mississippi State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Excellence in Teaching Upper Division Award (2010)
Mississippi State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Mississippi State University State Pride Award (2011 and 2010)
Schillig Special Teaching Project Award, Mississippi State University (2008)