David Harmon

Last Revised: Sep 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
Department of Animal Sciences, University of Kentucky
2002 - present, Director of Graduate Studies
July 1995 - present, Professor
January 1992 - July 1995, Associate Professor
Appointment .75 research - .25 Teaching
February 1989 - December 1991, Associate Professor
Department of Animal Science and Industry, Kansas State University
August 1983 -February 1989, Assistant Professor
Appointment .6 Research - .4 Teaching
Experience with graduate and undergraduate
- Companion Animal Nutrition, undergraduate nutrition
- Fundamentals of Nutrition, Introductory undergraduate nutrition.
- Animal Nutrition, Graduate, nutritional physiology and metabolism.
- Analytical Techniques in Animal Science, Graduate laboratory methods.
- Radioisotopes and Radioimmunoassay, Graduate laboratory methods.
- Techniques in Animal Nutrition Research, Graduate lecture and laboratory.
- Advanced Ruminant Nutrition, Graduate lecture.
Research program has dealt with identifying relationships between diet digestion, gut metabolism and nutrient absorption in ruminants and companion animals.
- Principal Investigator on over $4.3 million in research funding
- Co-Investigator on an additional $792,000
Supervised the thesis for 19 M.S. and 15 Ph.D. students who have completed their degrees as well as 7 post-doctoral students.
Additional Activities
Member of University Animal Care Use and Committee (KSU and UK)
IACUC College of Agriculture Subcommittee Chair (1997-2004)
Affiliations and Honors
American Society of Animal Science Research Fellow Award- 2012
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture George E. Mitchell, Jr. Award for Outstanding Service to Graduate Students- 2010
University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Thomas Poe Cooper Award for Research- 2006
American Society of Animal Science Jim Corbin Award in Companion Animal Biology- 2005
American Society of Animal Science Director at Large 1999-2002
American Society of Animal Science AFIA Ruminant Nutrition Award- 1998
Journal of Animal Science-Section Editor Ruminant Digestion and Metabolism - 1992-1995
Midwest American Society of Animal Science Young Researcher Award - 1992
Finalist- Elanco Young Animal Scientist Research Award, 1991
Chair - 31st annual Ruminant Nutrition Symposium FASEB, 1990, Washington, D.C.
American Society for Nutritional Sciences
American Society of Animal Science
Gamma Sigma Delta
Sigma Xi
Widaman Trust Outstanding Graduate Student Award, 1982.
Recent Publications
Trotta, R. J., J. L. Klotz, and D. L. Harmon. 2018. Effects of source and level of dietary energy supplementation on fiber digestion and in vitro methane production from tall fescue-based diets. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 242:41-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.05.010.
Klotz,J.L., G. E. Aiken, A. M. Egert, F. N. Schrick, N. Chattopadhyay, and D. L. Harmon. 2018. Effects of grazing different ergovaline concentrations on vasoactivity of bovine lateral saphenous vein. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).
M. A. Snider, D. L. Harmon, J.C. Matthews, and J. L. Klotz. 2018. Pharmacologic assessment of bovine ruminal and mesenteric vascular serotonin receptor populations. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).
de Godoy MRC, McLeod KR, Harmon, DL. 2018. Influence of feeding a fish oil-containing diet to mature, overweight dogs: Effects on lipid metabolites, postprandial glycaemia and body weight. J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr.102:e155–e165. DOI: 10.1111/jpn.12723.
Pesqueira, A., S. C. Avila, A. Gehman, K. R. McLeod, J. L. Klotz and D. L. Harmon. 2016. Ruminal metabolism of fatty acids from fish oil or algae in steers fed a finishing diet. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted 10-16).
Klotz, J. L., G. E. Aiken, J. R. Bussard, A. P. Foote, D. L. Harmon, B. M. Goff, F. N. Schrick and J. R. Strickland. 2016. Vasoactivity and vasoconstriction changes in cattle related to time off toxic endophyte-infected tall fescue. Toxins, 8(10), 271; doi: 10.3390/toxins8100271.
Jia, Y., D. L. Harmon, M. D. Flythe, J. L. Klotz. 2015. Interaction of isoflavones and endophyte-infected tall fescue seed extract on vasoactivity of bovine mesenteric vasculature. Frontiers 2:1-10. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2015.00032
de Godoy, M.R.C., C.E. Conway, K.R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2015. Influence of feeding a fish oil-containing diet to young, lean, adult dogs: effects on lipid metabolites, postprandial glycemia, and body weight. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 69: 499-514. DOI:10.1080/1745039X.2015.1100866
Simeonov, M., D. L. Harmon, K. Nedelkov. 2015. Non-genetic factors affecting birth weight in the lambs of blackheads pleven breed. J. Anim. Sci. Adv. 5:1208-1217.
Kim, D.H., J. L. Klotz, F. N. Schrick and D. L. Harmon. 2015. Effects of fescue toxicosis induced by endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on forestomach epithelial gene expression in Angus steers. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology. (Submitted January 16, 2015)
Kenney, N.M., E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. 2015. Impact of direct-fed microbials on growth performance, carcass characteristics, ruminal fermentation, lactate utilization, and digestibility in steers fed a high concentrate diet. J. Anim. Sci. 2015.93:2336–2348. doi:10.2527/jas2014-8570
Kenney, N. M., E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon and K. R. McLeod. 2015. Effect of direct-fed microbials on utilization of degradable intake protein in receiving steers. Can. J. Anim. Sci.95:93-102. DOI: 10.4141/cjas-2014-021.
Kenney, N. M., E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon and K. R. McLeod. 2015. Effects of direct-fed microbials on in vitro gas production. Submitted to Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (5-30-13).
Holder, V.B., J.M. Tricarico, D.H. Kim, N.B. Kristensen and D.L. Harmon. 2015. The effects of degradable nitrogen level and slow release urea on nitrogen balance and urea kinetics in Holstein steers. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 200:57-65. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2014.12.009
Kim, D.H., K. R. McLeod, A. F. Koontz, A. P. Foote, J. L. Klotz, and D. L. Harmon. 2015. Effect of intake on fasting heat production, respiratory quotient and plasma metabolites measured using the washed rumen technique. Animal 9:58-66.
Koontz, A.F., D.H. Kim, K.R. McLeod, J.L. Klotz, and D.L. Harmon. 2015. Effect of fescue toxicosis on whole body energy and nitrogen balance, in situ degradation and ruminal passage rates in Holstein steers. Anim. Prod. Sci. 55:988–998.
Egert, A.M., D.H. Kim, F.N. Schrick, D.L. Harmon, and J.L. Klotz. 2014. Dietary exposure to ergot alkaloids decreases contractility of bovine mesenteric vasculature. Journal of Animal Science 92:1768-1779.
Egert, A.M., J.L. Klotz, K.R. McLeod and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Development of a methodology to measure the effect of ergot alkaloids on forestomach motility using real-time wireless telemetry. Frontiers in Chemistry 2:1-8. doi:10.3389/fchem.2014.00090.
Foote, A.P., G.B. Penner, M.E. Walpole, J.L. Klotz, K.R. Brown, L.P. Bush, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Acute exposure to ergot alkaloids from endophyte-infected tall fescue does not alter absorptive or barrier function of the isolated bovine ruminal epithelium. Animal 8:1106-1112.
Kenney, N.M., E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. 2014. Impact of direct-fed microbials on growth performance, carcass characteristics, ruminal fermentation, lactate utilization, and digestibility in steers fed a high concentrate diet. Journal of Animal Science. (Accepted).
Kim, D.H., K.R. McLeod, A.F. Koontz, A.P. Foote, J.L. Klotz, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Effect of intake on fasting heat production, respiratory quotient and plasma metabolites measured using the washed rumen technique. Animal 9:58-66.
Kim, D. H., K.M. Mizinga, J.C. Kube, K.G. Friesen, K.R. McLeod, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Influence of monensin and lauric acid distillate or palm oil on in vitro fermentation kinetics and metabolites produced using forage and high concentrate substrates. Animal Fee d Science Technology. 189:19-29. DOI information: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2013.12.010
Koontz, A.F., D.H. Kim, K.R. McLeod, J.L. Klotz, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Effect of fescue toxicosis on whole body energy and nitrogen balance, in situ degradation and ruminal passage rates in Holstein steers. Animal Production Science http://dx.doi.org/10.1071/AN14037.
Pesqueira, A., D.L. Harmon, A.F. Branco, and J.L. Klotz. 2014. Bovine lateral saphenous veins exposed to ergopeptine alkaloids do not relax. Journal of Animal Science 92:1213-1218.
Simeonov, M., N. Todorov, K. Nedelkov, A. Kirilov, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Influence of live weight, sex and type of birth on growth and slaughter characteristics in early weaned lambs. Small Ruminant Research 121:188-192.
Kim, D.H., K. R. McLeod, J. L. Klotz, A. F. Koontz, A. P. Foote, and D. L. Harmon. 2013. Evaluation of a rapid determination of heat production and respiratory quotient in Holstein steers using the washed rumen technique. J. Anim. Sci. 91:4267-4276
Foote, A. P., N. B. Kristensen, J. L. Klotz, D. H. Kim, A. F. Koontz, K. R. McLeod, L. P. Bush, F. N. Schrick, and D. L. Harmon. 2013. Ergot alkaloids from endophyte infected tall fescue decrease reticuloruminal epithelial blood flow and volatile fatty acid absorption from the washed reticulorumen. J. Anim. Sci. 91:5366-5378.
Koontz, A.F., D.H. Kim, A.P. Foote, L.P. Bush, J. L. Klotz, K.R. McLeod and D.L. Harmon. 2013. Alteration of fasting heat production during fescue toxicosis in Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 91:3881-3888.
Cappellozza, B. I., D. W. Bohnert, C. S. Schaue, S. J. Falck, E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon, and R. F. Cooke. 2013. Daily and alternate day supplementation of urea or soybean meal to ruminants consuming low quality cool season forage: ii. Effects on ruminal fermentation. Livestock Science 155:214-222.
Holder, Vaughn B., Samer W. El Kadi, Juan M. Tricarico, Eric S. Vanzant, Kyle R. McLeod and David L. Harmon. 2013. The effects of crude protein concentration and slow release urea on nitrogen metabolism in Holstein steers. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 67:93-103.
Conway, C., M. R. Godoy, K.R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2013. The effects of graded arginine levels on nitrogen metabolism in the lean adult dog. J. Anim. Sci. Adv. 3:1-12.
Martin, S. K., C.E. Conway, E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon and K. R. McLeod. 2012. Influence of dietary histidine on circulating concentration and urinary excretion of histamine in domestic felines. Intern. J. Appl. Res. Vet. Med. 10:289-299.
Martin, S. K., C. E. Conway, E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon and K. R. McLeod. 2012. Dietary effects of magnesium on histamine metabolism and urine acidity in domestic felines. Amer. J. Anim. Vet. Sci. 7:186-193.
Taylor Edwards, C. C., D. G. Burrin, N. B. Kristensen, J. J. Holst, K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2012. Glucagon like peptide 2 (GLP 2) increases net amino acid utilization by the portal drained viscera of ruminating calves. Animal 6:1985-1997 doi:10.1017/S175173111200095X.
Foote, A. P., D. L. Harmon, K. R. Brown, J. R. Strickland, K. R. McLeod, L. P. Bush, and J. L. Klotz. 2012. Constriction of bovine vasculature caused by endophyte infected tall fescue seed extract is similar to pure ergovaline. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1603-1609.
Koontz, A.F., L.P. Bush, J. L. Klotz, K.R. McLeod, F.N. Schrick, and D.L. Harmon. 2012. Evaluation of a ruminally dosed tall fescue seed extract as a model for fescue toxicosis in steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:914-921.
Bohaty, R.E., M. R. C. de Godoy, K.R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2012. The effects of added sulfur amino acids, threonine, and an ideal amino acid ratio on nitrogen metabolism in mature, overweight dogs. Arch. Anim. Nutr. 66:39-49.
Reeder, T., G. Hibbard, K.R. McLeod and D.L. Harmon, 2011. Dietary lysine: calorie ratios and their influence on nitrogen metabolism and digestibility in moderately obese mature dogs. Am. J. Anim. Vet. Sci., 6: 45 54.
Bohnert, D. W., T. DelCurto, A. A. Clark, M. L. Merrill, S. J. Falck, and D. L. Harmon. 2011. Protein supplementation of ruminants consuming low quality cool or warm season forage: differences in intake and digestibility. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3707 3717.
Foote, A. P., D. L. Harmon, J. R. Strickland, L. P. Bush and J. L. Klotz. 2011. Effect of ergot alkaloids on contractility of bovine right ruminal artery and vein. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2944-2949.
Taylor-Edwards,C.C., D.G. Burrin, K.R. McLeod, J.J. Holst, and D.L. Harmon. 2011. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) increases small intestinal blood flow and mucosal growth in ruminating calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:888-898.
Atkinson, R.L., C.D. Toone, T.J. Robinson, D.L. Harmon, and P.A. Ludden. 2010. Effects of ruminal protein degradability and frequency of supplementation on nitrogen retention, apparent digestibility, and nutrient flux across visceral tissues in lambs fed low-quality forage. Journal of Animal Science 88:727-736.
Koontz, A.F., S.W. El-Kadi, D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, J.C. Matthews, J.A. Boling, and K.R. McLeod. 2010. Effect of ractopamine on whole body and splanchnic energy metabolism in Holstein steers. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 90:77-85.
Kristensen, N.B., M. Engbæk, M. Vestergaard, and D.L. Harmon. 2010. Technical Note: Ruminal cannulation technique in young Holstein calves; Effects of cannulation on feed intake, body weight gain, and ruminal development at six weeks of age. Journal of Dairy Science 93:737-742.
Liao, S.F., D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, K.R. McLeod, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. 2010. The Small Intestinal Epithelia of Beef Steers Differentially Express Sugar Transporter mRNA in Response to Abomasal vs Ruminal Infusion of Starch Hydrolysate. Journal of Animal Science 88:306-314, doi.10.2527jas.2009-1992.
Riddell, J.B., D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, and K.R. McLeod. 2010. Addition of a Bacillus based probiotic to the diet of preruminant calves: Influence on growth, health, and blood parameters. International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine 8:78-85.
Speight, S.M., and D.L. Harmon. 2010. Batch culture evaluation of carbohydrase inhibitors to moderate rumen fermentation. Animal Feed Science Technology 155:156-162.
Taylor-Edwards, C.C., D.G. Burrin, N.B. Kristensen, K.R. McLeod, and D.L. Harmon. 2010. Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) alters amino acid fluxes across the portal-drained viscera of ruminant calves. In: Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition EAAP publ. No. 127 G. M. Crovetto (Ed.). pp. 199-200.
Taylor-Edwards, C.C., D.G. Burrin, J.C. Matthews, K.R. McLeod, J.J. Holst, and D.L. Harmon. 2010. Expression of proglucagon and glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) receptor mRNA in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract and the influence of energy intake. Domestic Animal Endocrinology 29:181-193.
Xu, M., M. Rinker, K.R. McLeod, D.L. Harmon. 2010. Yucca schidigera extract decreases in vitro methane production in a variety of forages and diets. Animal Feed Science Technology 159:18-26.
Harmon, D.L. Understanding starch utilization in the small intestine of cattle. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science 22:915-922. 2009.
Liao, S.F., E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, K.R. McLeod, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Ruminal and abomasal starch hydrolysate infusions selectively decrease the expression of cationic amino acid transporter mRNA by small intestinale of forage-fed beef steers. Journal of Dairy Science 92:1124-1135. 2009.
Liao, S.F., D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, K.R. McLeod, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. The small intestinal epithelia of beef steers differentially express sugar transporter mRNA in response to abomasal vs ruminal infusion of starch hydrolysate. Journal of Animal Science. Published online: doi.10.2527jas.2009-2101. 2009.
Taylor-Edwards, C.C., N.A. Elam, S.E. Kitts, K.R. McLeod, D.E. Axe, E.S. Vanzant, N.B. Kristensen, and D.L. Harmon. Influence of slow-release urea on nitrogen balance and portal-drained visceral nutrient flux in beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 209-221. 2009.
Taylor-Edwards, C.C., G. Hibbard, S.E. Kitts, K.R. McLeod, D.E. Axe, E.S. Vanzant, N.B. Kristensen, and D.L. Harmon. Effects of slow-release urea on ruminal digesta characteristics and growth performance in beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 87:200-208. 2009.
El-Kadi, S.W., K.R. McLeod, N.A. Elam, S.E. Kitts, C.C. Taylor, D.L. Harmon, and E.S. Vanzant. Nutrient net absorption across the portal-drained viscera of forage-fed beef steers: Quantitative assessment and application to a nutritional prediction model. Journal of Animal Science 86: 2277-2287. 2008.
Liao, S.F., M.J. Alman, E.S. Vanzant, E.D. Miles, D.L. Harmon, K.R. McLeod, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Basal Expression of Nucleoside Transporter mRNA Differs Among Small Intestinal Epithelia of Beef Steers and Is Differentially Altered by Ruminal or Abomasal Infusion of Starch Hydrolysate. Journal of Dairy Science 91:1570-1584. 2008
Xu, Ming, S. Du, J. Wang, P. Yu, D.L. Harmon, and J.H. Yao. Influence of rumen escape starch on pancreatic exocrine secretion of goats. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0396.2007.0079. 2008.
Tricarico, J.M., M.D. Abney, M.L. Galyean, K.C. Hanson, K.R. McLeod, and D.L. Harmon. 2007. The effects of an Aspergillus oryzae extract containing alpha-amylase activity on performance and carcass characteristics in finishing beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 85:802-811.
Yamka, R.M., K.R. McLeod, D.L. Harmon, H.C. Freetly, and W D. Schoenherr. 2007. The impact of dietary protein source on observed and predicted metabolizable energy of dry extruded dog foods. Journal of Animal Science 85:204-212.
Mouro, G.F., A.F. Branco, D.L. Harmon, L.P. Rigolon, S.M. Coneglian, and T.F.M. Ribeiro. 2007. Carbohydrate sources and levels of forage in sheep diets:nitrogen balance digestibility and portal flux of nutrients. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 36: 489-498.
Merrill, M.L., D.W. Bohnert, D.L. Harmon, A.M. Craig, and F.N. Schrick. 2007. The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize toxic effects of high ergot-alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 85:2596-2605.
Kristensen, N.B., A. Storm, B.M.L. Raun, B.A. Rojen, and D.L. Harmon. 2007. Metabolism of silage alcohols in lactating dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science 90:1364-1377.
Liao, S.F., M.J. Alman, E.S. Vanzant, E.D. Miles, D.L. Harmon, K.R. McLeod, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews.2007. Basal expression of nucleoside transport mRNA differs among small intestinal epithelia of beef steers and is differentially altered by ruminal or abomasal infusion of starch hydrolysate. Journal of Dairy Science doi:10.3168/jds.2007-0763.
Harmon, D.L. 2007. Experimental Approaches to Study the Nutritional Value of Food Ingredients for Dogs and Cats. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 36:(Suplemento especial) 251-262.
Guimaraes, K.C., S.M. Rodriguez, J.C. Matthews, K.C. Swanson, D.L. Harmon, and A.F. Branco. 2007. Influence of partially hydrolyzed starch and casein administered postruminally on small intestinal brush border sodiumglucose cotransport activity. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology 50:963-970.
Huntington, G.B., D.L. Harmon, and C.J. Richards. Sites, rates, and limits of starch digestion and glucose metabolism in growing cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84:E14-E24. 2006.
Huntington, G.B., D.L. Harmon, N.B. Kristensen, K.C. Hanson, and J.W. Spears. Effects of a slow-release urea source on absorption of ammonia and production of urea by cattle. Animal Feed Science and Technology 130:225-241. 2006.
Kitts, S.E., D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, and K.R. McLeod. Effects of chlortetracycline (CTC) and Revalor-S on the growth performance and carcass quality traits of finishing beef steers. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 5: 70-76. 2006.
Mouro, G.F., A.F. Branco, D.L. Harmon, F.J. Maia, S.M. Coneglian, and T.F.M. Ribeiro. Fontes de carboidratos e ionoforo em dietas contendo oleo vegetal para ovinos: digestibilidade, balanco de nitrogenio e fluxo portal de nutrients. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 35: 2144-2153. 2006.
Yamka, R.M., D.L. Harmon, W.D. Schoenherr, C. Khoo, K.L. Gross, PhD; S.J. Davidson, and D.K. Joshi. In vivo measurement of flatulence and nutrient digestibility in dogs fed poultry by-product meal, conventional soybean meal, and low-oligosaccharide low-phytate soybean meal. American Journal of Veterinary Research 67:88-94. 2006.
Kristensen, N.B., G.B. Huntington and D.L. Harmon. Splanchnic carbohydrate and energy metabolism in growing ruminants. pp. 405-432. In: Biology of Growing Animals Series. Biology of Metabolism in Growing Animals. D.G. Burrin and H. J. Mersman (Eds.). Elsevier, Boston. 2005.
Yamka, R.M., U. Jamikorn, A.D. True and D.L. Harmon. Evaluation of low-ash poultry meal as a protein source in canine foods. Journal of Animal Science 81:2279-2284. 2003.
Yamka, R.M., U. Jamikorn, A.D. True and D.L. Harmon. Evaluation of soybean meal as a protein source in canine foods. Animal Feed Science Technology 109:121-132. 2003.
Swanson, K.C., J.C. Matthews, C.A. Woods and D.L. Harmon. Influence of substrate and/or neurohormonal mimic on in vitro pancreatic enzyme release from calves post-ruminally infused with partially hydrolyzed starch and/or casein. Journal of Animal Science 81:1323-1331. 2003.
Richards, C.J., K.C. Swanson, S.J. Lewis, D.L. Harmon and G.B. Huntington. Pancreatic exocrine secretion in steers infused post-ruminally with casein and cornstarch. Journal of Animal Science 81:1051-1056. 2003.
Swanson, K.C., J.C. Matthews, C.A. Woods, and D.L. Harmon. 2002. Post-ruminal administration of partially hydrolyzed starch and casein influences pancreatic α-amylase expression in calves. Journal of Nutrition 132:376-381.
Akay, V., J.A. Jackson Jr., and D.L. Harmon. 2002. NutriDense and waxy corn hybrids: Effects on site and extent of disappearance of nutrients in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 80:1335-1343.
Harmon, D.L., C.J. Richards, K.C. Swanson, J.A. Howell, J.C. Matthews, G.B. Huntington, A.D. True, S. Gahr, and R.W. Russell. 2001. Influence of ruminal or postruminal starch on visceral glucose metabolism in steers. pp. 273-276. IN: A. Chwalibog and K. Jakobsen, eds. Energy Metabolism in Animals. Proceedings,15th International Symposium on Energy Metabolism, Snekkersten, Denmark. Wageningen Pers, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Harmon, D.L., and K.R. McLeod. 2001. Glucose uptake and regulation by intestinal tissues: Implications and whole-body energetics. Jour-nal of Animal Science, 79:E59-E72.
Harmon, D.L., C.J. Richards, K.C. Swanson, J.A. Howell, J.C. Matthews, A.D. True, G.B. Huntington, S.A. Gahr, and R.W. Russell. 2001. Influence of ruminal or postruminal starch on visceral glucose metabolism in steers. EAAP Publication No. 103. pp. 273- 276. Proceedings, 15th International Symposium on Energy Me-tabolism, Snekkersten, Denmark.
Howell, J.A., A.D. Matthews, K.C. Swanson, D.L. Harmon, and J.C. Matthews. 2001. Molecular Identification of high-affinity glutamate transporters in sheep and cattle forestomach, intestine, liver, kid-ney, and pancreas. Journal of Animal Science, 79:1329-1336.
McLeod, K.R., R.L. Baldwin VI, D.L. Harmon, C.J. Richards, and W.V. Rumpler. 2001. Influence of ruminal and postruminal starch infu-sion on energy balance in growing steers. EAAP Publication No. 103. pp. 217-220. Proceedings, 15th International Symposium on Energy Metabolism, Snekkersten, Denmark.
Bauer, M.L., D.L. Harmon, D.W. Bohnert, A.F. Branco, and G.B. Huntington. 2001. Influence of α-linked glucose on sodium-glucose cotransport activity along the small intestine in cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 79:1917-1924.
Swanson, K.C., J.C. Matthews, A.D. Wilson, J.A. Howell, C.J. Richards, and D.L. Harmon. 2000. Influence of dietary carbohydrate source and energy intake on pancreatic alpha amylase expression in lambs. J. Nutr. 130:2157-2165.
Swanson, K.C., D.L. Harmon, K.A. Jacques, B.T. Larson, C.J. Richards, D.W. Bohnert and S.J. Lewis. 2000. Efficacy of chromium yeast for growing beef steers. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 86:95-105.
Strickling, J. A., D.L. Harmon ,K.A. Dawson and K.L. Gross. 2000. Evaluation of oligosaccharide addition to dog diets: influences on nutrient digestion and microbial populations. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 86:205-219.
Silvio, J., D.L. Harmon, K. L. Gross, and K. R. McLeod. 2000. Influence of fiber fermentability on nutrient digestion in the dog. Nutrition. 16:289-295.
Ludden, P. A., D. L. Harmon, B. T. Larson and D. E. Axe. 2000. Influence of the novel urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) on ruminant nitrogen metabolism. 1. In vitro urea kinetics and substrate digestion. J. Anim. Sci. 78:181-187.
Ludden, P. A., D. L. Harmon, G. B. Huntington, B. T. Larson,and D. E. Axe. 2000. Influence of the novel urease inhibitor N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamide (NBPT) on ruminant nitrogen metabolism. 2. Ruminal nitrogen metabolism, diet digestibility, and nitrogen balance in lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 78:188-198.
Bohnert, D. W, D. L. Harmon , B. T. Larson, C. J. Richards, and M. N. Streeter. 2000. Efficacy of laidlomycin propionate in low-protein diets fed to growing beef steers: effects on steer performance and ruminal nitrogen metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 78:173-180.
Bohnert, D.W., B.T. Larson, S.J. Lewis, C.J. Richards, K.C. Swanson, D.L. Harmon and G.E. Mitchell, Jr. 1999. Net nutrient flux by visceral tissues of lambs fed diets differing in supplemental nitrogen source. J. Anim. Sci. 77:2545-2553.
Branco, A.F., D.L. Harmon, D.W. Bohnert, B.T. Larson and M.L. Bauer. 1999. Estimating true digestibility of carbohydrate in the small intestine of steers. J. Anim. Sci. 77:1889-1895.
Larson, B.T., D.L. Harmon, L.P. Bush, E.L. Piper and L.M. Griffis. 1999. Alkaloid binding and activation of D2 dopamine receptors in cell culture. J. Anim. Sci. 77:942-947
Harmon, D.L., J.A. Walker, J.M. Silvio, A.M. Jamikorn and K.L. Gross. 1999. Nutrient digestibility in dogs fed fiber-containing diets. Vet. Clin. Nutr. 6:6-10.
Kim, D., J.L. Klotz, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Effects of fescue toxicosis induced by endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on forestomach epithelial gene expression in Angus steers. Journal of Animal Science. 92, (E-Suppl. 2):898.
Klotz, J.L., D. Kim, A.P. Foote, and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Effects of ergot alkaloid exposure on serotonin receptor mRNA in the smooth muscle of the bovine gastrointestinal tract. Journal of Animal Science. 92, (E-Suppl. 2):890.
Foote, A.P., G.B. Penner, M.E. Walpole, J.L. Klotz, L.P. Bush and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Effect of acute exposure to ergot alkaloids on short-chain fatty acid absorption and barrier function of isolated bovine ruminal epithelium. Journal of Animal Science. 92, (E-Suppl. 2):874.
Egert, A.M., K.R. McLeod, J.L. Klotz and D.L. Harmon. 2014. Analysis of rumen motility patterns using a wireless telemetry system to characterize bovine reticuloruminal contractions. Journal of Animal Science. 92, (E-Suppl. 2):804.
Wingard, S., E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. 2014. Effect of direct-fed microbials and monensin on in vitro fermentation of a high-forage substrate. Journal of Animal Science 92, (E-Suppl. 2): 867.
de Godoy, M. R. C., C. E. Conway, K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2011. Influence of feeding a fish oil containing diet to adult lean dogs: Effects on lipid and protein metabolism, postprandial glycemia, and body weight. J. Anim. Sci. 89: (E Suppl. 1) 286.
de Godoy, M. R. C., K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2011. Influence of feeding a fish oil containing diet to mature overweight dogs: Effects on lipid and protein metabolism, postprandial glycemia, and body weight. J. Anim. Sci. 89: (E Suppl. 1) 286.
Foote, A. P., D. L. Harmon, K.R. Brown, J. R. Strickland, K. R. McLeod, L. P. Bush, and J. L. Klotz. 2011. Endophyte-infected tall fescue seed extract induces constriction of bovine vasculature. J. Anim. Sci. 89: (E Suppl. 1) 49.
Holder, V.B., J. Tricarico, D. H. Kim, N. B. Kristensen, and D. L. Harmon. 2011. The effects of degradable nitrogen level and degradation rate on nitrogen balance and urea kinetics in Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 89: (E Suppl. 1) 178.
Martin, S. K., C. E. Conway, M. R. C. de Godoy, D. L. Harmon, E. S. Vanzant, S. Zicker, R. M. Yamka, and K. R. McLeod. 2010. Dietary magnesium alters urinary histamine excretion in domestic felines. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 325.
Martin, S. K., C. E. Conway, M. R. C. de Godoy, D. L. Harmon, E. S. Vanzant, S. Zicker, R. M. Yamka, and K. R. McLeod. 2010. Dietary effects of dietary cation anion balance on histamine metabolism and urine acidity in domestic felines. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 325.
Conway, C. E., M. R. C. de Godoy, S. K. Martin, K. R. McLeod, N. Z. Frantz, R. M. Yamka, and D. L. Harmon. 2010. The effects of graded arginine levels on nitrogen metabolism in the lean adult dog. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 326.
Foote, A.P., J. L. Klotz, D. L. Harmon, L. P. Bush, and J. R. Strickland. 2010. Ergot alkaloids induce vasoconstriction of bovine foregut vasculature. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 701.
Koontz, A.F., L. P. Bush, J. L. Klotz, K. R. McLeod, F. N. Schrick, and D. L. Harmon. 2010. Development of a fescue toxicosis model using a fescue seed extract. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 704.
Taylor-Edwards, C., D. G. Burrin, K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2010. SS-ASAS Emerging Scholar Award: Distribution and role of glucagon-like peptide-2 in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 88: (E Suppl. 2) 26.
Holder, V. B., S. Elkadi, J. M. Tricarico, E. Vanzant, K. M. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2009. The effects of crude protein concentration and urea source on nitrogen metabolism in Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (E Suppl. 2) 300.
Ballou, A. L., S. W. El-Kadi and D. L. Harmon. 2009. Effect of diet and the SGLT1 inhibitor phlorizin on net intestinal glucose absorption in Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (E Suppl. 2) 470.
Koontz, A. F., S. W. El-Kadi, D. L. Harmon and K. R. McLeod. 2009. Effect of ractopamine on whole body and splanchnic energy balance in holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (E Suppl. 2) 293.
Taylor-Edwards, C., D. G. Burrin, K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2009. Glucagon-like peptide-2 increases small intestinal mass of calves. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (E Suppl. 2) 234.
Taylor-Edwards, C., D. G. Burrin, J. J. Holst, K. R. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2009. Glucagon-like peptide-2 increases splanchnic blood flow acutely in calves but loses effectiveness with chronic exposure. J. Anim. Sci. 87: (E Suppl. 2) 234.
Korthaus, F.F., E.S. Vanzant, G. Rentfrow, K.K. Kreikemeier, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. 2009. Effects of distiller's grains and direct fed microbial (10-G) on carcass characteristics in finishing steers. Abstract 76, Proceedings of the 62nd Reciprocal Meats Conference.
Hibbard, G., K. R. McLeod, D. L. Harmon, R. Yamka, and K. G. Friesen. 2008. Dietary lysine: Calorie ratios and their influence on nitrogen metabolism and digestibility in overweight mature dogs. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 213.
Bohaty, R. E., M. R. C. de Godoy, K. R. McLeod, D L. Harmon, R. M. Yamka, N. Z. Frantz, and K.G. Friesen. 2008. Effect of added total sulfur amino acids and threonine on nitrogen balance in dogs. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 213.
Korthaus, F. F., E.S. Vanzant, G. Rentfrow, K. K. Kreikemeier, D. L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. Effects of distiller’s grain and probiotic on growth and carcass characteristics of finishing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 585.
Liao, S. F., E. S. Vanzant, D. L. Harmon, K. R. McLeod, J. A. Boling, and J. C. Matthews. 2008. Basal expression of four SLC1 (Na+-dependent glutamate transporter) mRNA by small intestinal epithelia of beef cattle differs and is altered by ruminal and abomasal infusion of starch hydrolysate. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 561.
Harmon, D. L. and M. R. C. de Godoy. 2008. Alternative systems for evaluating digestion in companion animals. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 365.
Martin, S. K., M. R. C. de Godoy, D. L. Harmon, E. S. Vanzant, R. M. Yamka, K. G. Friesen, and K. R. McLeod. 2008. Diet transition time and stabilization of apparent digestibility in the feline. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 167.
Stewart, R. L., Jr., J. M. Tricarico, D. L. Harmon, W. Chalupa, K. R. McLeod, G. A. Harrison, L. M. Clark, M. D. Meyer, R. Garcia-Gonzalez, and K. A. Dawson. 2008. Influence of Optigen® on nitrogen behavior in lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 491.
Liao, S. F., D. L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, K. R. McLeod, J. A. Boling, and J. C. Matthews. 2008 Basal content of sugar transporter mRNA in small intestinal epithelia of beef steers is differentially increased by abomasal vs ruminal infusion of starch hydrolysate. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 427.
Kitts, S. E., S. W. El-Kadi, C. C. Taylor-Edwards, F. F. Korthaus, J. B. Cannon, A. F. Koontz, D. L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant, and K. R. McLeod. 2008. The effects of dexamethasone and Revalor-S® on growth, carcass quality and visceral organ and fat mass of finishing beef steers fed cracked corn. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 279.
Taylor-Edwards, C. C., D. B. Edwards, M. J. Doig, E. S. Vanzant, K. R. McLeod, J. A. Boling, J. C. Matthews, and D. L. Harmon. 2008. Proglucagon and GLP-2 receptor mRNA distribution in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract. J. Anim. Sci. 86: (E Suppl. 2) 428.
Taylor-Edwards,C., K.R McLeod, J. C. Matthews, J. J. Holst and D. L. Harmon. 2007. Evidence for a role for glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) in ruminant animals. FASEB J. 21:839.18.
Reeder, T., D. L. Harmon, R. M. Yamka and K. G. Friesen. 2007. Influence of increasing total essential amino acids on nitrogen metabolism during caloric restriction in moderately overweight mature dogs. FASEB J. 21:705.3.
Merrill, M. L., D. W. Bohnert, D. L. Harmon, A. M. Craig, and F. N. Schrick. 2007. The ability of a yeast derived cell wall preparation to minimize toxic effects of high-alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:59-63
Bohnert, D. W., T. DelCurto, A. A. Clark, M. L. Merrill, S. J. Falck, and D. L. Harmon. 2007. Protein supplementation of ruminants consuming low-quality cool- or warm-season forage: Differences in intake and digestibility. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 58:217-220
García-González, R., J. M. Tricárico, G. A. Harrison, M. D. Meyer, K. McLeod, and D. L. Harmon. 2007. Optigen is a sustained release source of non-protein nitrogen in the rumen. J. Anim Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):98.
Liao, S. F., M. A. Alman, E. S. Vanzant, E. D. Miles, D. L. Harmon, K. R. McLeod, J. A. Boling, and J. C. Matthews. 2007. Ruminal, but not abomasal, infusion of starch differentially increases expression of concentrative nucleoside transporter (CNT) mRNA by small intestinal (SI) epithelia of forage-fed beef steers. J. Anim Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):343.
Speight, S. M., D. L. Harmon, and J. M. Tricarico. 2007. Application of carbohydrase inhibitors to moderate rumen fermentation: II. Continuous culture evaluation. J. Anim Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):340.
Cannon, J. B., A. Gallegos , D. L. Harmon, and K. R. McLeod. 2007. Probiotics in growing pre-ruminant calves. J. Anim Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):111.
Kitts, S.E., C.C. Taylor, J.B. Cannon, A. Beckemeyer, K.E. Earing, D.L. Harmon, E.S. Vanzant and K.R. McLeod. 2007. Effects of dexamethasone injections and Revalor-S® on growth, carcass characteristics and visceral and fat mass of finishing beef steers. J. Anim Sci.85 (Suppl. 1):547.
Atkinson, R.L., C.D. Toone, D.L. Harmon and P.A. Ludden. 2006. Effects of supplemental RDP versus increasing supplemental RUP on visceral N flux in lambs fed a low-quality forage. J. Anim. Sci. 84:(Suppl. 2) 137.
Huntington, G.B., C. Richards and D. Harmon. Sites, rates and limits of carbohydrate digesiton and glucose metabolism in growing cattle. Journal of Animal Science 83:(Suppl. 1) 72. 2005.
Taylor, C.C., N.A. Elam, S.E. Kitts, K.R. McLeod, D.E. Axe and D.L. Harmon. Influence of slow-release urea on nitrogen balance and nutrient absorption of steers. Journal of Animal Science 83:(Suppl. 1) 321. 2005.
Speight, S.M. and D.L. Harmon. Application of carbohydrase inhibitors to moderate rumen fermentation: In vitro evaluation. Journal of Animal Science 83:(Suppl. 1) 307. 2005.
Huntington, G.B., C. Richards and D. Harmon. Sites, rates and limits of carbohydrate digesiton and glucose metabolism in growing cattle. Journal of Animal Science 83:(Suppl. 1) 72. 2005.
Elam, N.A., C. Taylor, S.E. Kitts, K.R. McLeod, D.L. Harmon and E.S. Vanzant. Quantitative assessment of visceral energy metabolism in beef steers consumed graded levels of forage. Journal of Animal Science 83:(Suppl. 1) 52. 2005.
Rodriguez, S.M., K.C. Guimaraes, J.C. Matthews, K.M. McLeod, R.L. Baldwin and D.L. Harmon. Influence of abomasal carbohydrate on small intestinal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter activity in steers. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):266. 2003.
Yamka, R.M., K.R. McLeod. D.L. Harmon, H.C. Freetly and W.D. Schoenherr. Accounting for the proportion of alpha-amino nitrogen in crude protein improves metabolizable energy prediction in dry extruded dog foods. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):260. 2003.
Fisher, M.J., D.W. Bohnert, C.J. Ackerman, C.S. Schauer, T. DelCurto, A.M. Craig, E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon and N.F. Schrick. Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):34. 2003.
Hanson, K.C., S.E. Kitts, N.B. Kristensen, D.E. Axe and D.L. Harmon. Effects of feeding a slow-release urea on ruminal nitrogen dynamics in steers. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):265. 2003.
Bohnert, D.W., C.S. Schauer, S.J. Falck and D.L. Harmon. Comparison of urea and soybean-meal as nitrogen supplements to cool-season, low-quality forage: I. Daily and alternate day supplementation effects on digestion and ruminal fermentation in steers. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):92. 2003.
Other Refereed Journal Articles
Yamka, R.M., S.E. Kitts and D.L. Harmon. Evaluation of low-oligosaccharide low-phytate whole soybeans in canine foods. Animal Feed Science Technology 120:79-91. 2005.
Yamka, R.M., B.M. Hetzler and D.L. Harmon. Evaluation of low-oligosaccharide low-phytate whole soybeans and soybean meal in canine foods. Journal of Animal Science 83:393-399. 2005.
Kristensen, N.B. and D.L. Harmon. Effect of adding valerate, caproate, and heptanoate to ruminal buffers on splanchnic metabolism in steers under washed-rumen conditions. Journal of Animal Science 83:1899-1907. 2005.
Bertram, H.C., N.B. Kristensen, A. Maldendal, N.C. Nielsen, R. Bro, H.J. Andersen and D.L. Harmon. A metabolomic investigation of splanchnic metabolism using 1H NMR spectroscopy of bovine plasma. Analytica Chimica Acta 536:1-6. 2005.
Swanson, K.C., J.A. Benson, J.C. Matthews, and D.L. Harmon. Pancreatic exocrine secretion and plasma concentration of some gastrointestinal hormones in response to abomasal infusion of starch hydrolysate and/or casein. Journal of Animal Science 82:1781-1787. 2004.
Benson, J.A., K.C. Swanson, J.C. Matthews, and D.L. Harmon. Influence of Starch Hydrolysate and/or Casein on Pancreatic Exocrine Secretion and Plasma Hormone Concentrations in Beef Steers. Journal of Animal Science 82:1781-1787. 2004.
Bertram, N.B. Kristensen, A. Malmendal, N.C. Nielsen, S. K. Jemsern, and D.L. Harmon. Use of NMR-based metabolomics to assess metabolism in splanchnic tissues of steers. Journal of Animal Feed Science 13: (Suppl. 1) 295-298. 2004.
Fisher, M.J., D.W. Bohnert, C.J. Ackerman, C.S. Schauer, T. DelCurto, A.M. Craig, E.S. Vanzant, D.L. Harmon, and N.F. Schrick. Evaluation of perennial ryegrass straw as a forage source for ruminants. Journal of Animal Science 82:2175-2184. 2004.
Harmon, D.L., R.M. Yamka, and N. Elam. Factors affecting intestinal starch digestion in cattle. Can. Journal of Animal Science 84:309-318. 2004.
Kristensen, N.B. and D.L. Harmon. Splanchnic metabolism of VFA absorbed from the washed reticulorumen of steers. Journal of Animal Science 82:2033-2042. 2004.
Kristensen, N.B. and D.L. Harmon. Effect of increasing ruminal butyrate absorption on splanchnic metabolism of VFA absorbed from the washed reticulorumen of steers. Journal of Animal Science 82:3549-3559. 2004.
Raun, B.M.L., N.B. Kristensen, and D.L. Harmon. Splanchnic metabolism of propylene infused into the jugular vein of steers under washed rumen conditions. Journal of Animal Feed Science 13: (Suppl. 1) 331-334. 2004.
Rodriguez, S.M., K.C. Guimaraes, J.C. Matthews, K.R. McLeod, R.L. Baldwin VI, and D.L. Harmon. Influence of abomasal carbohydrates on small intestinal sodium-dependent glucose co-transporter activity and abundance in steers. Journal of Animal Science 82:3015-3023. 2004.
Yamka, R.M., S.E. Kitts, A.D. True, and D.L. Harmon. Evaluation of corn gluten meal as a protein source in canine foods. Animal Feed Science Technology 116:239-248. 2004.
Experiment Station Reports & Bulletins
Hanson, K.C., K.R. McLeod, and D.L. Harmon. Effect of supplemental energy source on performance of growing beef heifers fed drought-damaged corn silage. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 8. 2004.
Hanson, K.C., K.R. McLeod, J. Tricarico, and D.L. Harmon. Effect of exogenous amylase and corn type on performance and characteristics of finishing beef heifers. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 22. 2004.
Hanson, K.C., S.E. Kitts, D.L. Harmon, and D.E. Axe. Influence of Bufferfos®on the ruminal environment of steers fed high-grin diets. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 25. 2004.
Harmon, D.L., K.C. Hanson, S.E. Kitts, N.B. Kristensen, K.R. McLeod, and D.E. Axe. Influence of slow-release urea on digestion and metabolism of ruminants. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 29. 2004.
Kitts, S.E., K.C. Hanson, N.A. Elam, M.C. Newman, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. Effects of corn type and forage level on growth performance and E.Coli shedding in finishing beef steers. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 9. 2004.
Kristensen, N.B. and D.L. Harmon. Metabolism of volatile fatty acids absorbed from the washed rumen of steers. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 27. 2004.