Contact Information

Dr. Tony Pescatore, Ph.D.
Interim Department Chair

900 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

+1 (859) 257-2686

Debra Aaron

Debra Aaron

Debra Aaron

Debra Aaron


Instruction Research Faculty
208 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

Last Revised: Sep 11th, 2024

Professional Biography


Debra Aaron, Don Ely.  2019.  ASC-243 Managing Dry, Open Ewes

Donald G. Ely and Debra K. Aaron.  2018.  ASC-238 Beginning a Sheep Operation

Debra Aaron and Don Ely.  2018.  ASC-237 Breeding Habits of the Ewe

Donald G. Ely and Debra K. Aaron.  2017.  ASC-228 Body Condition Scoring Ewes

Debra Aaron.  2014.  ASC-224 Crossbreeding Considerations in Sheep

Debra K. Aaron.  2014.  ASC-223 Inbreeding in Sheep

Debra K. Aaron.  2014.  ASC-222 Sheep Breeding: Heritability, EBVs, EPDs, and the NSIP

Debra Aaron.  2014.  ASC-221 Keeping and Using Flock Performance Records

Debra Aaron.  2014.  ASC-220 Basic Sheep Genetics

Debra K. Aaron and Donald G. Ely.  2014.  ASC-219 An Introduction to Sheep

Debra Aaron, Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Dwayne Edwards, Don Ely, Bob Harmon, Jimmy Henning, Bruce Hightshoe, Terry Hutchens, John Johns, Garry Lacefield, Kevin Laurent, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Jim Randolph, Monroe Rasnake, Patty Scharko, Keith Schillo, Scott Shearer, Larry Turner, Dwight Wolfe, Steve Workman.  1999. PR-417 2000 Kentucky Beef Cattle Research Report


Aaron, D. K., D. G. Ely, E. Fink, B. T. Burden, M. E. Hoar, M. M. Simpson, and A. K. Lundsford. 2011. Lean lamb production during the process of grading-up to hair sheep genetics. Journal of Animal Science. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):698. 

Hoar, M. E., D. K. Aaron, D. G. Ely, M. M. Simpson, and A. K. Lundsford. 2011. Use of MTB-100, provided through a mineral mix, to reduce toxicity when lactating beef cows graze endophyte-infected tall fescue. Journal of Animal Science. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):260. 

Ely, D.G., D. K. Aaron, J. Wyles and V. Akay. Use of FEB-200 to increase productivity of cattle grazing fescue pasture. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1):168. 2003.

Aaron, D. K., D. G. Ely, J. Wyles and V. Akay. Cow tympanic temperature response to supplementation with FEB-200. Journal of Animal Science 81(Suppl. 1): 168. 2003.

Aaron, D. K. and V. W. Hays. How many pigs? Statistical power considerations for swine nutrition experiments. Journal of Animal Science 81 (Suppl. 1):153. 2003. 

Refereed Journal Articles

Lunsford, A.K., D.G. Ely, D.K. Aaron, M.M. Simpson, and R.A Zinner. Nutrient utilization of Polypay and

percentage White Dorper lambs fed a high roughage and a high concentrate diet. Sheep & Goat Research Journal

23:1-6. 2008

Lunsford, A.K., D.G. Ely, D.K. Aaron, M.M. Simpson, and R.A Zinner. Nutrient utilization of Polypay andpercentage White Dorper lambs fed a high roughage and a high concentrate diet. Sheep & Goat Research Journal23:1-6. 2008.

Aaron, D.K. and V.W. Hays. How many pigs? Statistical power considerations in swine nutrition experiments. Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (E. Suppl.):E245-E254. 2004.

Appeddu, L.A., D.G. Ely, D.K. Aaron, W.P. Deweese, and E. Fink. Effects of supplementing with calcium salts of palm oil fatty acids or hydrogenated tallow on ewe milk production and twin lamb growth. Journal of Animal Science 82:2780-2789. 2004.

Contact Information

Dr. Tony Pescatore, Ph.D.
Interim Department Chair

900 W.P. Garrigus Building Lexington, KY 40546-0215

+1 (859) 257-2686