Fernanda Camargo

Last Revised: Sep 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
Fernanda Camargo, Ann Lead, Colette Tebeau. 2024. 4AA-2SO So You Want to Be a Vet? Start Preparing in High School!
Fernanda Camargo. 2023. ASC-253 Traveling with Your Horse: First-Aid Kits
Fernanda Camargo. 2023. ASC-251: Traveling with Your Horse: Caring for Your Horse Away from Home
Fernanda Camargo. 2023. ASC-252: Traveling with Your Horse: Trailer and Truck Packing
Amanda Adams, Fernanda Camargo, Ashton Miller. 2018. ID-252 Equine Cushing's Disease or PPID
Shane Bogle, Fernanda Camargo, Nick Carter, Katheryn Cerny, Bob Coleman, Karen Douglas, Jimmy Henning, Christopher Jeffcoat, Paula Jerrell, Glenn Mackie, Brian Newman, Jason Phillips, Don Sorrell, Daniel Wilson. 2018. ID-196 UK Ag Equine Programs Calendar, 2019
Amanda Adams, Fernanda Camargo, Ashton Miller. 2018. ID-252: Equine Cushing's Disease or PPID
Fernanda Camargo. 2018. ASC-240 Blanketing Horses: Do's and Don'ts
Fernanda Camargo. 2018. ASC-239 Warm Up Ring Etiquette
Fernanda Camargo. 2017. ID-196 UK Ag Equine Programs Calendar, 2018
Fernanda Camargo. 2016. ASC-226 Help! My Horse Roars! What Is Laryngeal Hemiplegia?
Amanda Adams, Fernanda Camargo. 2016. ID-239 Equine Metabolic Syndrome: Is My Horse Just Fat, or Is He Sick?
Fernanda Camargo, Robert Colemane. 2016. ID-196 UK Ag Equine Programs Calendar, 2017
Fernanda Camargo, Amy Lawyer. 2014. 4AF-M06MA Hosting a Horse Show
Fernanda Camargo. 2014. ASC-212 Stereotypic Behavior in Horses: Weaving, Stall Walking, and Cribbing
Refereed Publications & Proceedings
Camargo, F.C., N.E. Robinson, L. Dirikolu, C. Berney, S. Eberhart, S. Baker, P. DeTolve, F.J. Derksen, A.F. Lehner, J. May, C. Hughes, T. Tobin. Plasma and Urinary Concentrations of Trimetoquinol by LC-MS-MS Following Intravenous and Intra-Tracheal Administration to Horses with Heaves. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics 31: 501-510. 2008.
Camargo, F.C.; N.E. Robinson, L. Dirikolu, C. Berney, S. Eberhart, S, Baker, P. DeTolve, F.J. Derksen, A.F. Lehner, J. May, C. Hughes, and T. Tobin. Plasma and Urinary Concentrations of Trimetoquinol and the Pharmacodynamic Correlates Following Intravenous and Intra-Tracheal Administration to Horses with Heaves: A Preliminary Pharmacokinetic Analysis. Submitted for publication, pre-accepted upon revision, to Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, October, 2007.
Camargo, F.C., N.E. Robinson, C. Berney, S. Eberhart, S. Baker, P. DeTolve, F.J. Derksen, A.F. Lehner, C. Hughes, and T. Tobin. Trimetoquinol, Inolin ®: bronchodilator effects in horses with heaves following aerosol andoral administration. Equine Veterinary Journal 39(3):215-220, 2007.
Camargo, FC; Robinson, NE; Berney, C; Eberhart, S; Baker, S; DeTolve, P; Derksen, FJ; Harkins, D; Boyles, J; Lehner, AF; Karpiesiuk, W; Tobin, T. Trimetoquinol, Inolin ®: Cardiovascular And Bronchodilator Effects In Horses With Heaves. Equine Vet J. 38(6): 563-569, 2006.
Camargo, FC; Hughes, C; Lehner, AF; Stirling, K; and Tobin, T. “Trace” Benzoylecgonine (BZE) Identifications In Post-Race Urines: Probable Sources And Regulatory Significance Of Such Identifications. Proc 52nd Annual Convention American Association of Equine Practitioners pp 331-336, December 2006, San Antonio, Texas.
Camargo, FC; Lehner, AF; Karpiesiuk, W; Stirling, K; Kavanagh, PV; Brennan, N; Dowling, M and Tobin, T. A Review of Environmental Morphine Identifications (EMIs): Worldwide Occurrences and Responses of Authorities. Proc 51st Annual Convention American Association of Equine Practitioners pp 58-64, December, 2005, Seattle, WA.
Camargo, FC; Lehner, AF; Harkins, JD; Hughes, CG; Karpiesiuk, W, Boyles, J; Woods, WE; Tobin, T. Chromatographic Detection of Trimetoquinol (Inolin®) and its Major Urinary Metabolites in the Horse: A Preliminary Report. Chromatographia. 60(7-8):371-378, 2004.
Lehner, AF; Hughes, CG; Karpiesiuk, W; Camargo, F; Harkins, JD; Woods, WE; Bosken, J; Boyles, J; Troppmann, A and Tobin, T. Determination of salmeterol in equine urine and serum. Chromatographia. 59:S79–S84, 2004.
Lehner, AF; Hughes, CG; Harkins, JD; Karpiesiuk, W; Camargo, F; Boyles, J; Woods, WE and Tobin, T. Detection and identification of dizocilpine and its major urinary metabolites in the horse: a preliminary report. Chromatographia. 59: S95-S103, 2004.
Lehner, AF; Hughes, CG; Karpiesiuk, W; Harkins, JD; Dirikolu, L; Bosken, J; Camargo, F; Boyles, J; Troppmann, A; Woods, WE; Tobin T. Development of a method for the detection and confirmation of the ?2-agonist amitraz and its major metabolite in horse urine. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 28(7):553-562, 2004.
Dirikolu, L; Lehner, AF; Hughes, C; Karpsiesiuk, W; Camargo, F; Harkins, JD; Woods, WE; Bosken, J; Boyles, J; Troppmann, A; Fisher, M; Tobin, T. The detection, quantification and pharmacokinetics of furosemide and its effects on urinary specific gravity following intravenous administration to horses. Veterinary Therapeutics. 4(4):350-363, 2003.
Lehner, AF; Hughes, CG; Harkins, JD; Nickerson, C; Mollett, B; Dirikolu, L; Bosken, JM; Camargo, F; Boyles, J; Troppmann, A; Karpiesiuk, W; Woods, WE; Tobin, T. Detection and confirmation of ractopamine and its metabolites in horse urine after Paylean ® administration. Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 28(4):226-238, 2001.
Tobin, T, Karpiesiuk, W, Hughes, C, Lehner, AF, Camargo, F. Synthesis of deuterated analytical standards: Ketoprofen-d3 and Flunixin-d3. Proc 16th Intl Conf Racing Analysts Vets, Tokyo, Japan, 2006. In press.
Lehner AF, Hughes CG, Harkins JD, Bosken JM, Camargo F, Boyles J, Troppmann A, Karpiesiuk W, Woods WE and Tobin T. Metabolism of the beta-adrenergic agonist ractopamine in horses and confirmation of its administration with GC/MS. Proc 15th Intl Conf Racing Analysts Vets pp 93-98, Dubai, UAE, 2004.
Lehner AF, Hughes CG, Karpiesiuk W, Harkins JD, Bosken J, Camargo F, Boyles J, Troppmann A, Woods WE, Tobin T: Metabolism of the ?2-agonist amitraz in horses and confirmation of its administration with GC/MS. Proc 15th Intl Conf Racing Analysts Vets pp 155-160, Dubai, UAE, 2004.
Dirikolu, L., Lehner, A. F., Hughes, C., Karpiesiuk, W., Camargo, F., Harkins, D., Woods, W. E., Bosken, J., Boyles, J., Troppmann, A., Fisher, M., Tobin, T. Detection, quantification and pharmacokinetics of furosemide in horses. Proc 14th Intl Conf Racing Analysts Vets, pp 29-33 Orlando, FL, 2002.
Abstracts in Conferece
Camargo, F.C., K.A. Lawyer, C.M. Willis, and R. Bott. Comparative Analysis of State 4H Horse Programs. American Society of Animal Science – Midwest Section, March 2014, Des Moines, IA.
Camargo, FC; Robinson, NE; Harkins, JD; Boyles, J; Berney, C; Eberhart, S; Lehner, AF; Karpiesiuk, W; Tobin, T. Cardiovascular And Bronchodilatory Effects Of TMQ (Inolin ®) In Horses With Heaves. Abstract accepted for oral presentation at 3rd World Equine Airways Symposium, at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, July 2005.
Camargo, FC, Lehner, AF, Karpiesiuk, W, Stirling, K, Kavanagh, PV, Brennan, N, Dowling, M and Tobin, T. A Review of Environmental Morphine Identifications (EMIs): Worldwide Occurrences and Responses of Authorities. Proc 51st Annual Convention American Association of Equine Practitioners pp 58-64, 2005.
Camargo, FC; Robinson, NE; Harkins, JD; Boyles, J; Berney, C; Eberhart, S; Lehner, AF; Karpiesiuk, W; Tobin, T. Cardiovascular And Bronchodilatory Effects Of TMQ (Inolin ®) In Horses With Heaves. Oral presentation during 3rd World Equine Airways Symposium, at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, July 2005.
Marcal, WS; Nascimento, MR; Ramos, BMO; Camargo, F; Viana, FP; Calegare, LN; Lima, P. Lead urban pollution evaluation studies using the horse as a bioindicator. I Academic Display of Scientific Works in Veterinary Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Londrina State University, Londrina, PR, Brazil, 1998.
Other Research Publications
Camargo, F.C., and E. LaBonty. 2010 Kentucky Equine Youth Festival: How to Create an Event that Draws 6,000 People. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, (31)5,6: 342-343, 2011.