Gregg Rentfrow

Last Revised: Sep 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
2006 – Present Extension Meat Specialist/Assistant Professor, University of Kentucky-Lexington
Appointment: 75% Extension, 25% Teaching
Duties: Work closely with the meat and livestock producers, and the 4-H and FFA programs in the state of Kentucky. In addition, develop and organize educational programs and workshops designed to educate individuals in the meat, food, and livestock industries. Furthermore, work closely with other extension specialist and county extension agents to develop programs to benefit Kentucky agriculture. The teaching duties include instructing the ASC 300 class, Principles of Meat Science, that involves teaching slaughter and fabrication.
2005 – 2006 Meats Specialist, Commercial Agriculture Program, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Duties: Work closely with other disciplines within the Commercial Agriculture Program and University of Missouri Cooperative Extension program to develop and organize workshops and short courses designed to train and educate individuals in the meat, food, and livestock industries. In addition, work closely with, and serve on the board of directors as the Technical Advisor to the Missouri Association of Meat Processors. Furthermore, work closely with the Missouri 4-H and FFA to develop educational workshops and organize and officiate the Missouri 4-H and FFA state meats judging contests. Finally, to be the liaison and sit on the Beef, Pork, and Meat Industry Focus Teams.
2000 - Present Graduate Research Asst. and Meats Judging Team Coach, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO
2002 – 2003 Interim Meat Laboratory Manager, University of Missouri
Duties: To run the daily operations of the University of Missouri Meats Laboratory. Duties included maintaining Sanitary Standardized Operating Procedures (SSOP’s), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points program (HACCP), develop new products, and organize tissue collections for research projects.
1997 – 2000 Graduate Research and Teaching Asst., Collegiate Meats Judging Team Asst. Coach, and Illinois 4-H Meats Judging Team Coach, University of Illinois, Urbana – Champaign, IL
1993 – 1999 Meat Cutter/ Meat Cutting Trainer, Wal-Mart Supercenter, Mattoon, IL
Duties: Process meat for daily sales, train new meat cutters, and organize grand openings of meat departments in new Wal-Mart Supercenters. Grand openings include stores in Danville, IL, Vencennes, IN, Franklin, IN, and Plano, IL.
1990 – 1993 Meat Market Manager/ Zone Meat Manager, Super Value IGA, Mattoon and Charleston, IL
Duties: Run the daily operations of the Charleston Super Value IGA and write sales ads for all three stores in the Super Value/ IGA complex (Charleston Super Value IGA, Mattoon Max Market IGA, and the Mattoon Good Neighbor IGA).
1987 – 1990 Meat Cutter, Johnston’s IGA, Shelbyville, IL
4-H and FFA Workshops
2006 Bluegrass District FFA Field Day. General meat science and meats judging, March 2006
2005 Pork Quality and Carcass Measurements. Henry County Pork Carcass Show, July, 2005
2005 Types of Sausages of the World and Sausage Making Demonstration. University of Missouri 4-H Youth Congress, June, 2005
2005 Backyard BBQ Secrets Revealed. University of Missouri 4-H Youth Congress, June, 2005
2005 Meat Consumption Trends. University of Missouri 4-H Youth Livestock Judging Camp, March, 2005.
2004 Pork Quality and Carcass Measurements. Cass County Pork Carcass Show, July, 2004
2004 4-H Retail Meat Cut Identification. University of Missouri 4-H Youth Congress. June 2004
2004 BSE. University of Missouri 4-H Youth Livestock Judging Camp, March, 2004.
2001 Meats Judging Coaches Clinic. Further Education Program, June, 2001.
Extension Articles
Rentfrow, G. 2005. Started own monthly column in the Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter called “The Scabbard”.
Aug, 2005 Battling the Beast
July, 2005 The Legal Implications of a Food Poisoning Outbreak.
June, 2005 Animal Rights, Animal Welfare, and You.
May, 2005 Country of Origin Labeling (COOL).
April, 2005 Food born illness update: Recent statistics from the Foodnet Surveillance System.
March, 2005 Meet the new University of Missouri Commercial Agriculture Program Meats Specialist, Gregg Rentfrow.
Rentfrow, G. 2004. Non-nitrite added meat products. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, November, 2004.
Rentfrow, G., and E.P. Berg. 2004. Listeria Monocytogenes: update. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, August, 2004.
Rentfrow, G. 2004. Quick freezing versus normal freezing of meat products. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, July, 2004.
Rentfrow, G. 2004. Tracking beef trim in small meat plants. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, June, 2004.
Rentfrow, G. 2004. Omega 3 fatty acids and CLA in beef products. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, March, 2004.
Rentfrow, G., and E.P. Berg. 2003. Improving the demand for beef. Proc. Missouri Cattlemen’s College, 2003.
Rentfrow, G. 2002. MAPing the future. Missouri Association of Meat Processors Newsletter, December, 2002.
Popular Press
Taking a frank look at frankfurters. Interviewed by Jennifer Price. Newspaper article appeared in the Missourian, Monday, July 4th, 2005
Curers ham it up at fairgrounds. Interviewed by Jason Rosenbaum. Newspaper article appeared in the Columbia Daily Tribune, Friday, July 15th, 2005
Refereed Publications
Brown, K.R., G.A. Anderson, K. Son, G. Rentfrow, L.P. Bush, J.L. Klotz, J.R. Strickland, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Growing steers grazing high versus low endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue have reduced serum enzymes, increased hepatic glucogenic enzymes, and reduced liver and carcass mass. Journal of Animal Science 87:748-760. 2009.
Brown, K.R., G.A. Anderson, K. Son, G. Rentfrow, L.P. Bush, J.L. Klotz, J.R. Strickland, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Growing steers grazing high versus low endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue have reduced serum enzymes, increased hepatic glucogenic enzymes, and reduced liver and carcass mass. Journal of Animal Science 87:748-760. Published online Oct. 24, 2008 as doi: 10.2527/jas.2008-1108. 2008.
Suman, S.P., G. Rentfrow, M.N. Nair, and P. Joseph. 2014. Proteomics of muscle- and species-specificity in meat color stability. Journal of Animal Science 92: 875–882.Suman, S.P., M.C. Hunt, M.N. Nair, and G. Rentfrow. 2014. Improving beef color stability: Practical strategies and underlying mechanisms. Meat Science 98: 490–504.
Suman, S.P., M.C. Hunt, M.N. Nair, and G. Rentfrow. 2014. Improving beef color stability: Practical strategies and underlying mechanisms. Meat Science 98: 490–504.
Liu, C., Y.L. Xiong, and G.K. Rentfrow. 2011. Kiwifruit protease extract injection reduces toughness of pork loin muscle induced by freeze–thaw abuse. LWT – Food Science and Technology 44:2026-2031.
Brown, K.R., G.A. Anderson, K. Son, G. Rentfrow, L.P. Bush, J.L. Klotz, J.R. Strickland, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Growing steers grazing high versus low endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue have reduced serum enzymes, increased hepatic glucogenic enzymes, and reduced liver and carcass mass. Journal of Animal Science 87:748-760. 2009.
Brown, K.R., G.A. Anderson, K. Son, G. Rentfrow, L.P. Bush, J.L. Klotz, J.R. Strickland, J.A. Boling, and J.C. Matthews. Growing steers grazing high versus low endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected tall fescue have reduced serum enzymes, increased hepatic glucogenic enzymes, and reduced liver and carcass mass. Journal of Animal Science 87:748-760. Published online Oct. 24, 2008 as doi: 10.2527/jas.2008-1108. 2008.
Schmidt, T.B., K.C. Olson, M.L. Linville, J.H. Clark, D.L. Meyer, M.M. Brandt, C.A. Stahl, G. Rentfrow, and E.P. Berg. 2005. The effects of dry matter intake restriction on growth performance and carcass merit of finishing steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 21(4):332.
Rentfrow, G., T.R. Carr, K.E. Weingartner, M.S. Brewer, and F.K. McKeith. 2004. The effects on non-solvent extracted textured soy proteins in meat products. J. Muscle Foods 15(4):225-234.
Rentfrow, G., M.S. Brewer, T.R. Carr, L.A. Berger, and F.K. McKeith. 2004. The effects of feeding elevated levels of vitamins D3 and E on beef quality. J. Muscle Foods 15(3)205-223.
Rentfrow, G., M.L. Linville, C.A. Stahl, K.C. Olson, and E.P. Berg. 2004. The effects of the antioxidant lipoic acid on beef Longissimus bloom time. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3034-3037.
Rentfrow, G., C.A. Stahl, K.R. Maddock, M.L. Linville, G. Allee, and T.E. Sauber, and E.P. Berg. 2003. The effects of diets containing conventional corn, conventional corn and choice white grease, high oil corn, and high oil high oleic corn on belly/ bacon quality. Meat Sci. 64:459-466.
Berg, E.P., E. Huff-Lonergan, T.B. Schmidt, C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, and G. Rentfrow. 2002. The effect of alpha lipoic acid on shelf life and Warner/ Bratzler shear force values associated with fresh pork. Proceedings of Pork Quality and Safety Summit, Des Moines, IA. Pp 129-131.
Refereed Extension Articles
Elizabeth Coots, Jann Knappage, Annhall Norris, Gregg Rentfrow, Matthew Springer, Jackie Walters, Martha Yount. 2022. NEP-230: Cook Wild Kentucky: Fishing in Kentucky
Les Anderson, Michelle Arnold, Darrh Bullock, Kenny Burdine, Roy Burris, Ben Crites, Jimmy Henning, Steve Higgins, Steve Isaacs, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Lee Moser, Gregg Rentfrow, Kylie Schmidt, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch, Lee Townsend, Katherine VanValin, Paul Vijayakumar. 2021. ID-108: The Kentucky Beef Book, 2021
Elizabeth Coots, Jann Knappage, Annhall Norris, Gregg Rentfrow, Matthew Springer, Jackie Walters, Martha Yount. 2021. NEP-229: Cook Wild Kentucky: Introduction to Wild Game in Kentucky
Greg Halich, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Lee Meyer, Gregg Rentfrow, Ray Smith. 2020. ID-224: Producer's Guide to Pasture-Based Beef Finishing
Melissa Newman, Gregg Rentfrow, Paul Vijayakumar. 2016. ASC-227: Foodborne Illness: Risks and Prevention
Jim Akers, Donna Amaral-Phillips, Roy Burris, John Johns, Gregg Rentfrow, Patty Scharko. 2015. ID-140: Kentucky Beef Quality Assurance Program
Gregg Rentfrow, Surendranath Suman. 2014. ASC-213: How to Make a Country Ham
Terry Hutchens, Gregg Rentfrow. 2011. ASC-182: Marketing Lamb and Goat Meat to Hispanic Retail Outlets
Les Anderson, Darrh Bullock, Roy Burris, Lowell Bush, Blair Knight, Kevin Laurent, Jeff Lehmkuhler, Jim Matthews, Kyle McLeod, Lori Porter, Jim Randolph, Gregg Rentfrow, Keith Schillo, Meg Steinman, Jim Strickland, Laurentia van Rensburg, Eric Vanzant. 2011. SR-104: 2010 Research and Extension Beef Report
Gregg Rentfrow. 2010. ASC-179: How Much Meat to Expect from a Carcass: A Consumer's Guide to Purchasing Freezer Meats
Gregg Rentfrow. 2009. ASC-177: A Consumer Guide to Country of Origin Labeling
Gregg Rentfrow. 2008. ASC-175: FAQs About the Retail Meat Case, Part 2: Basic Meats 101
Gregg Rentfrow. 2008. ASC-174: FAQs About the Retail Meat Case, Part 1: Hamburger
Gregg Rentfrow. 2007. ASC-171: The Use of Methyl Bromide to Control Insects in Country Hams in the Southeastern U.S.
Gregg Rentfrow. 2006. ASC-170: A Consumer's and Producer's Guide to Organic and Natural Meats
Jiang, J., Xiong, Y.L., Newman, M.C., and Rentfrow, G.K. 2011. Film-forming properties of alkaline and acidic pH-shifting-treated soy proteins. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 150-06).
Joseph, P., G. Rentfrow, L. L. Slaughter, K. M. McClelland, S. P. Suman, J. A. Boling, K. M. Brennan, J. C. Matthews. 2011. Effect of dietary selenium supplementation on color shelf-life of beef Psoas major steaks from maturing heifers. American Meat Science Association 64th Reciprocal Meat Conference, Kansas State University, June 19-22, 2011. Meeting Program & Abstracts: pg 45.
Joseph, P., S.P. Suman, L. Li, K.M. McClelland, G. Rentfrow, and C.M. Beach. 2011. Proteome basis for muscle-specific beef color stability. The 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, August 2011, Ghent, Belgium.
Wang, Y., Xiong, Y.L., Rentfrow, G.K., and Newman, M.C. 2011. Hydroxyl radical oxidation promotes cross-linking but reduces film-forming properties of whey proteins. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 236-71).
Rentfrow, G, D.J. Kemp, M.M Brandt, C.C. Carr, E.K. Burger, and E.P. Berg. 2005. The effects of supplementing Paylean and lipoic acid to a complete swine finishing diet the last 31 d of pork production on pork longissimus shelf life. Accepted: International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Baltimore, MD.
Brandt, M.M., D.K. Keisler, D.L. Meyer, T.B. Schmidt, C.C. Carr, G. Rentfrow, E.K. Burger, D.J. Kemp, and E.P. Berg. 2005. Serum hormone concentrations as predictors of carcass composition in a random allotment of American fed beef cattle. Accepted: International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Baltimore, MD.
Schmidt, T.B., K.C. Olson, M.L. Linville, J.H. Clark, C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, G. Rentfrow, and E.P. Berg. 2005. Effects of intake restriction on energy balance and retention of N and P by beef steers. Accepted: ASAS Midwest Meetings, Des Moines, IA.
Clark, J.H. K.C. Olson, T.B. Schmidt, D.O. Alkire, G. Rentfrow, C.C. Carr, D.L. McNamara, and E.K. Burger. 2005. Effect of intake restriction on diet digestion, ruminal fermentation, and passage rate by beef steers. Accepted: ASAS Midwest Meetings, Des Moines, IA.
Schmidt, T.B., E.P. Berg, E.M. Cochran, J.J. Garcia, S.B. Kleibocker, C.W. Morgan, C.D. Drager, J.A. Carroll, D.H. Keisler, R.L. Larson, K.C. Olson, G. Rentfrow, and M.S. Brown. 2004. Effect of dietary lipoic acid supplementation on circulating metabolic hormones and acute phase proteins of virus challenged beef steers. J.Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):165.
Schmidt, T.B., K.C. Olson, M.L. Linville, M.M. Brandt, C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, G. Rentfrow, and E.P. Berg. 2004. Effect of limit-feeding on performance and carcass merit of finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):234.
Linville, M.L., K.C. Olson, C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, T.B. Schmidt, G. Rentfrow, E.L. McFadin, D.K. Davis, and E.P. Berg. 2003. Effect of limit-feeding on performance, carcass merit, and digestion by finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 81(Sppl. 2):339.
Rentfrow, G., C.A. Stahl, K.R. Maddock, K.C. Olson, and E.P. Berg. 2002. The effects of alpha-lipoic acid on beef Longissimus bloom time. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):127.
Stahl, C.A., M.L. Linville, G. Rentfrow, G.L. Allee, and E.P Berg. 2002. Growth and meat quality of finishing hogs supplemented with creatine monohydrate and high glycemic carbohydrate 30 d preharvest. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):127.
Berg, E.P., E. Huff-Lonergan, T.B. Schmidt, C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, and G. Rentfrow. 2002. The effect of alpha lipoic acid on shelf life and Warner/ Bratzler shear force values associated with fresh pork. Proceedings of Pork Quality and Safety Summit 2002, Des Moines, IA. Pp 129-131.
Schmidt, T.B., C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, G. Rentfrow, and E.P. Berg. 2002. The effect of alpha lipoic acid on shelf life and Warner/ Bratzler shear force values associated with pork. J. Anim. Sci. 80(Suppl. 1):127.
Schmidt, T.B., C.A. Stahl, D.L. McNamara, G. Rentfrow, and E.P. Berg. 2002. The effect of alpha lipoic acid on shelf life and Warner/ Bratzler shear force values associated with pork. 2002 Rec. Meats Conf., Michigan State University.
Rentfrow, G., T.R. Carr, L.A. Berger, M.S. Brewer, and F.K. McKeith. 2001. The effects of vitamin D3 on beef Longissimus tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 2):56.
Lorenzen, C.L., J.L. Norman, G. Rentfrow, C.A. Stahl, E.P. Berg, and M.R. Ellerseik. 2001. Variation in color and pH measurements throughout pork loins. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl 1):18.
Norman, J.L., C.L. Lorenzen, C.A. Stahl, G. Rentfrow, E.P. Berg, and H. Heymann. In-home consumer acceptance of pork loins varying in color. J. Anim. Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):18.
Rentfrow, G., T.R. Carr, K.E. Weingardner, M.S. Brewer, and F.K. McKeith. 1999. The effects of non-solvent extracted textured soy protein on sausage products. Proc. IFT.
Book Chapter Editing
Berg, E.P., and G. Rentfrow; 2005, Co-Editors on upcoming Processed Meats book. Chapter, Ham processing
Books and Book Chapters
Hanson, D.J, Rentfrow, G., Schilling, M.W., and Mikel, W.B., Ripened meat products, U.S. products – Country Ham. 2014. Handbook of Fermented Meat Products, 2nd Ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Toldra, F. editor.
Other Research Publications
Cromwell, G.L., and G. Rentfrow. 2011. DDGS in swine diets – Does it impact processing of cured bellies and eating quality of pork? Proceedings of the Midwest Swine Nutrition Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 8, 2011. pp. 10-24.
Suman, S.P., C. Faustman, and G. Rentfrow. Research priorities in meat science and technology. pp 7–13. In proceedings of 6th Brazilian Congress of Meat Science and Technology, October 24-27, 2011, Sao Pedro, Brazil.
Suman, S.P., P. Joseph, S. Li, K.M. McClelland, G. Rentfrow, and C.M. Beach. Proteome basis of muscle-specific beef color stability. Paper # 003. In proceedings of 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, August 7-12, 2011, Ghent, Belgium.
2017 M.D. Whiteker Award for Excellence in Extension – Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals
Teachers who made a difference – University of Kentucky College of Education
Outstanding Service to the Kentucky Beef Industry – Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association
Young Animal Science Leader; Outstanding Extension Award – Midwest Division of the American Association of Animal Science
2011 Achievement Award – American Meat Science Association
2009 Outstanding New Extension Faculty Award – Kentucky Association of State Extension Professionals
Associate Member Award – Kentucky Pork Producers Association