Laurie Lawrence

Last Revised: Sep 11th, 2024
Professional Biography
Research Interests
Equine Nutrition:
- nutrient requirements of exercising horses
- nutrient requirements of broodmares and foals
- equine digestive physiology
- pasture and forage utilization
- effect of exercise on metabolism
- interaction between exercise and diet
Book Chapters (Recent and Selected)
Pratt-Phillips, S., and L.M. Lawrence. 2014. Nutrition of the performance horse. In, The Athletic Horse, D. Hodgson, K. McKeever, eds. Elsevier Publishing. P35-55.
Lawrence, L.M. 2010. Feeding Horses. In, Livestock Feeds and Feeding, R.O. Kellems and D.C. Church, Ed., Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ.p378-397.
Lawrence, L.M. The New NRC: Updated requirements for pregnancy and growth. pp. 123-132. IN: J.D. Pagan, ed. Advances in Equine Nutrition IV. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.
Lawrence, L.M. Assessing energy balance. pp. 43-50. IN J.D. Pagan, ed. Advances in Equine Nutrition IV. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK.
Lawrence, L.M. Updates to the nutrient requirements of the horse: NRC 2007. pp. 66-72. IN: N.E. Robinson and K. Sprayberry, ed. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine 6. W.B. Saunders Elsevier, St. Louis, MO.
Ringler, J., B. Cassill, S. Hayes, J. Stine, and L. Lawrence. Grazing preferences of horses for different cool season grasses. pp. 25-27. IN: J.D. Pagan, ed. UK. Advances in Equine Nutrition IV. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham,UK.
Lawrence, L.M. Updates to the Nutrient Requirements of Horses: NRC 2007. In, N. E. Robinson and K.
A.Sprayberry, ed. Current Therapy in Equine Medicine 6. Saunders Elsevier St. Louis, MO p 66-72. 2008.
O’Connor, C.I., L.M. Lawrence, A.C. St. Lawrence, K.M. Janicki, L.K. Warren, and S. Hayes. The effect of dietary fish oil supplementation on exercising horses. Journal of Animal Science 82 (10): 2978-2984. 2004.
Siciliano, P.D. and L.M. Lawrence. 1996. Vitamin E Nutrition in the Horse. In Vitamin E in Animal Nutrition and Management. M. Coehlo, Ed. BASF, Inc., Cherry Hill, N.J. p461- 472.
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Feeding Horses. In, Feeds and Feeding, D.C. Church, Ed., Prentice Hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ.
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Feeding the racehorse. The Veterinarian's Practical Reference to Equine Nutrition. K. Thompson, Ed. Purina Mills, St. Louis Mo. (p 7-14)
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Feed supplements. The Veterinarian's Practical Reference to Equine Nutrition. K. Thompson, Ed. Purina Mills, St. Louis Mo. (p 87-92)
Journal Articles (Recent and Selected)
Harlow, B.E., L.M. Lawrence, I.A. Kagan, I.A., M.D. Flythe. (2014). Inhibition of fructan-fermenting equine fecal bacteria and Streptococcus bovis by hops (Humulus lupulus L.) beta-acid. Journal of Applied Microbiology 117:329-339
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, J. E. Earing, S.M. McCown and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Effect of selenium depletion on oxidative stress in mature horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:257.
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, S. M. McCown, A.A. Adams, D.W. Horohov and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Selenium depletion reduces vaccination response in horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:266
Davis, B.E. and L.M. Lawrence, 2011. The effect of endophyte infected tall fescue on weanlings. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:290-291.
Davis, B.E. and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Factors affecting live foal rates of Thoroughbred stallions in Kentucky. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:309-310
Lawrence, L.M. and M. Flythe. Microbial Colonization of the Foal’s Gastrointestinal Tract. Equine Disease Quarterly, January 2011.
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Broodmare nutrition. UK Bluegrass Equine Digest, October.
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Managing carbohydrates in equine diets. Kentucky Breeders’ Short Course, Lexington KY
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Forages for horses. In, Proc. Forages at KCA, G. Lacefield Ed., Published by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council, Lexington KY
Lawrence, L.M. (2011). Nutritional management of the broodmare. Chpt 291 In, Equine Reproduction, A.O. McKinnon, E. Squires, eds., Blackwell Publishing. Pp 2760-2768.
McCown, S., M. Burmmer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Basal insulin and glucose concentration in gestating and lactating mares. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:247-248.
McCown, S., M. Brummer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Nutrient and dry matter intakes of broodmares fed high forage diets. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:264-265.
McCown, S., M. Brummer, S. Hayes, G. Olson, S. R. Smith, Jr., L. Lawrence. 2011. Acceptability of teff hay by horses. J. Equine Vet. Sci. (published on-line at .doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2011.11.008)
Strasinger, L. and L. Lawrence. 2011. Growth rates in 3 and 4 month old foals during the summer in Kentucky. J. Equine Vet. Sci. 31:286-287.
Purswell, J.L., R.S. Gates, L.M. Lawrence and J.P. Davis. 2010. Thermal environment in a four-horse slant load trailer. Transactions of ASABE 53(6):1885-1894
Earing, J.E., B.D. Cassill, S.H. Hayes, E.S. Vanzant, and L.M. Lawrence. 2010. Comparison of in vitro digestibility estimates using the DaisyII Incubator to in vivo digestibility estimates in horses. Journal of Animal Science 88:3954-3963.
Ringler, J.E., and L.M. Lawrence. Comparison of Thoroughbred growth data to body weights predicted by the NRC. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 28(2). 97-101. 2008.
O’Connor, C.I., L.M. Lawrence, and S.H. Hayes. 2007. Dietary fish oil supplementation affects serum fatty acid concentrations in horses. Journal of Animal Science 85:2183-2189.
Green, A.R., R.S. Gates, and L.M. Lawrence. 2007. Equine thermoregulatory responses during summertime road transport and stall confinement. Brazilian Journal of Biosystems Engineering vol 1, n. 1 Jan-April, p.83-92.
Martin, T.L., T.R. Zentall, and L. Lawrence. Simple Discrimination Reversals in the Domestic Horse (Equus caballus): Effect of Discriminative Stimulus Modality on Learning to Learn. Journal of Applied Animal Behavior 101:328-338. 2006.
Purswell, J.L., R.S. Gates, L.M. Lawrence, J.D. Jacob, T.S. Stombaugh, and R.J. Coleman. Air exchange rate in a horse trailer during road transport. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers 49(1):193-201. 2006.
Pratt, S., L.M. Lawrence, L.K. Warren and D.M. Powell. The effect of exercise on acetate clearance in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 25:266-271; 2005.Pratt, S., L.M. Lawrence, L.K. Warren and D.M. Powell. The effect of exercise on acetate clearance in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 25:266-271; 2005.
Lawrence, L., J. DiPietro, K. Ewert, D. Parrett, L. Moser and D. Powell. 1992. Changes in body weight and condition of mares during gestation and lactation. J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 12:355-358.
Lawrence, L., S. Jackson, K. Kline, L. Moser, D. Powell, and M. Biel. 1992. Observations on body weight and condition of horses competing in a 150-mile endurance ride. J. Eq. Vet. Sci. 12: 318-322.
Lawrence, L.M., L.V. Soderholm, A. Roberts, J. Williams and H. Hintz. 1993. Feeding status affects glucose metabolism in exercising horses. J. Nutr. 123:2152-2157.
Ruff, S.J., C.H. Wood, D.K. Aaron and L.M. Lawrence. 1993. A comparison of growth rates of normal thoroughbred foals and foals diagnosed with cervical vertebral malformation. J. Equine Vet. Sci 13:596-599
Danielsen, K., L. Lawrence, P. Siciliano, D. Powell and K. Thompson. 1995. Effect of different diets on weight loss and plasma variables in endurance exercised horses. Equine Exercise Physiol. 4: 372-377.
Healy, H.P., P.D. Siciliano and L.M. Lawrence. 1995. Effect of concentrate form on blood and gastric fluid variables in ponies. J. Equine Vet Sci 15:423-428.
Lawrence, L., H.F. Hintz, L.V. Soderholm, J. Williams and A. Roberts. 1995. Effect of time of feeding on metabolic response to exercise. Equine Vet. J. Supplement 18(Equine Exerc. Physiol. 4):392-395.
Lawrence, L.M., J. Williams, L.V. Soderholm, A.M. Roberts and H.F. Hintz. 1995. Effect of feeding state on the response of horses to repeated bouts of intense exercise. Equine Vet J 27:27-30.
Siciliano, P.D., L.M. Lawrence, K. Danielsen, D. Powell and K. Thompson. 1995. Effect of exercise conditioning and type of exercise on serum creatine kinase and aspartate amino-transferase activity. Equine Vet. J. Supplement 18(Equine Exerc. Physiol. 4):248-251.
Siciliano, P.D., A.L. Parker, and L.M. Lawrence. 1997. Effect of dietary vitamin E supplementation on the integrity of skeletal muscle in exercised horses. J. Anim. Sci. 75:1553
L.M. Lawrence and K. Thompson. 1998. Electromyographic activity of the long digital extensor in the exercising thoroughbred horse. Equine Vet . J. 30:251.
Warren, L.K., L. M. Lawrence, A.L. Parker, T. Barnes and A.S. Griffin. 1998 The effect of weaning age on foal growth and radiographic bone density. J. Equine Vet Sci. 18:355.
Powell, D.M., L.M. Lawrence, T. Brewster-Barnes, B. Fitzgerald, L.Warren, S. Rokuroda, A. Parker and A. Crum. 1999. Diet composition and feeding state affect response to exercise in feed restricted horses. Equine Vet J. (Supplement 30):514-518
Warren, L.K., L.M. Lawrence and K.N. Thompson. 1999. The influence of betaine on untrained and trained horses exercising to fatigue. J. Anim. Sci. 77:677-684
Warren, L.K., L.M. Lawrence, T. Brewster-Barnes and D. M. Powell. 1999. The effect of dietary fiber on hydration status after dehydration with furosemide. Equine Vet J. Supplement 30: 508-513.
Pratt, S.E., L.M. Lawrence, T.Barnes, D. Powell, L.K. Warren. 2000. Measurement of ammonia concentrations in horse stalls. J. Equine Vet . Sci. 20:197-200.
Presentations/Popular Press
Lawrence, L.M. 1996. Utilizing alfalfa hay in horse rations. Proc. XVI Kentucky Alfalfa Conference, Cave City, KY
Lawrence, L.M. 1996. The effect of exercise on the nutrient requirements of horses. Proc. Asian- australasian Association of the Animal Production Societies. Makuhari, Chiba, Japan
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Vitamin nutrition of horses. Cornell Nutr. Conf., Rochester, NY. p190-195.
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Supplemental vitamins, horse performance examined. Feedstuffs. Dec 1, 1997;p 14- 15 (adapted from "Vitamin nutrition of horses"; Cornell Nutr Conf.)
Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Feeding hay and pasture. Proc. Forages for Kentucky's Horses, Lexington KY
Powell, D.M. and L.M. Lawrence, L.M. 1997. Thyroid hormone. Equine Disease Quarterly. 6(1):3.
Lawrence, L.M. 1998. Alfalfa hay for horses. Proc. 28th Nat. Alfalfa Symp. Bowling Green KY p 105-110.
Lawrence, L.M. 1998. The best hay choices for horses. Proc. Tennessee Forage and Grasslands Conf. Knoxville, TN
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. Fescue toxicosis in foaling mares. Kentucky Horse Council Newsletter. Spring 1999.
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. Hot weather and your horse. Kentucky Horse Council Newsletter. Summer Issue.
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. Tips on buying hay. Kentucky Horse Council Newsletter. Fall 1999
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. The best hay choices for horses. Minnesota Forage Update. XXIV(4): 2-4
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. Effects of weaning on growing foals. Equine Disease Quarterly. 7(2):4-5
Lawrence, L.M. 1999. The benefits of warming up. World Equine Veterinary Review. 4(2):6-11
Lawrence, L.M. 2000. Advances and gaps in energy nutrition. Proceedings for the 2000 Equine Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers. Lexington KY, p11-22.
Lawrence, L.M. 2000. Perspectives on selenium nutrition in horses. Proceedings of the Alltech Annual Symposium, Lexington KY, p183-196.
Hansen, T.L., A.L. Fowler, L.A Strasinger, B.E. Harlow, S.H. Hayes, L.M. Lawrence 2014. Soaking teff hay affects nutrient composition and nitrate concentration. Proc. 2014 AAVN Symposium, p 9. (abstract)
Harlow, B.E, T.M. Donley, L.M. Lawrence, and M. D. Flythe. 2014. Effect of starch source (corn, oat, wheat) on the growth of starch- and lactate-utilizing bacteria from the equine hindgut. Annual Mtg. Amer. Soc. Microbiol. (abstract)
Harlow, B.E., L.M. Lawrence, M.D. Flythe. A.L Fowler, T.L. Hansen, L.A. Strasinger, A.D. Crum, and S.H. Hayes. 2014. Disturbance of equine microflora is dependent on starch source. Proc. 2014 AAVN Symposium, p11. (abstract)
Fowler, A.L., and L.M. Lawrence. 2014. A comparison of feed ingredients in pelleted and textured feeds for horses. Proc. 2014 AAVN Symposium, p 18. (abstract)
Other Research - Nonrefereed (Conferences and Symposia)
Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch. 2022. 2022 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch. 2021. 2021 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
G.L. Olson, S.R. Smith, C.D.Teutsch, J.C. Henning, and T.D. Phillips, L.M. Lawrence. 2020. 2020 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
G.L. Olson, S.R. Smith, C.D.Teutsch, J.C. Henning, and T.D. Phillips, and L.M. Lawrence. 2019. 2019 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Jimmy Henning, Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch. 2018. 2018 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Laurie Lawrence, Gene Olson, Tim Phillips, Ray Smith, Chris Teutsch. 2017. 2017 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
G.L. Olson, S.R. Smith, T.D. Phillips, and L.M. Lawrence. 2016. 2016 cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
G.L. Olson, S.R. Smith, and T.D. Phillips, and L.M. Lawrence. 2015. 2015 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
G.L. Olson, S.R. Smith, G.D. Lacefield, and T.D. Phillips, and L.M. Lawrence. 2014. 2014 Cool-Season Grass Horse Grazing Tolerance Report
Laurie Lawrence and Fernanda Camargo. 2014. ASC-205 Selecting Feeds for Horses
Lawrence, L.M., B.E. Harlow and M.D. Flythe. 2014. Antibiotics and the equine gastrointestinal tract. Proc. Midatlantic Nutrition Conference, Baltimore MD
Lawrence, L.M. Horse Owner’s Hay Guide. Progressive Forage Grower. July 2014
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, J. E. Earing, S.M. McCown and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Effect of selenium depletion on oxidative stress in mature horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:257.
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, S.M. McCown, A.A. Adams, D.W. Horohov and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Selenium depletion reduces vaccination response in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:266
Davis, B.E., and L.M. Lawrence, 2011. The effect of endophyte infected tall fescue on weanlings. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:290-291.
Davis, B.E., and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Factors affecting live foal rates of Thoroughbred stallions in Kentucky. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:309-310
Lawrence, L.M., and M. Flythe. 2011. Microbial Colonization of the Foal’s Gastrointestinal Tract. Equine Disease Quarterly, January
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Broodmare nutrition. UK Bluegrass Equine Digest, October.
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Managing carbohydrates in equine diets. Kentucky Breeders’ Short Course, Lexington KY
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Forages for horses. In, Proc. Forages at KCA, G. Lacefield Ed., Published by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council, Lexington KY
McCown, S., M. Burmmer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Basal insulin and glucose concentration in gestating and lactating mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:247-248.
McCown, S., M. Brummer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Nutrient and dry matter intakes of broodmares fed high forage diets. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:264-265.
Strasinger, L. and L. Lawrence. 2011. Growth rates in 3 and 4 month old foals during the summer in Kentucky. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:286-287.
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, J. E. Earing, S.M. McCown and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Effect of selenium depletion on oxidative stress in mature horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:257.
Brummer, M., S. Hayes, S.M. McCown, A.A. Adams, D.W. Horohov and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Selenium depletion reduces vaccination response in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:266
Davis, B.E., and L.M. Lawrence, 2011. The effect of endophyte infected tall fescue on weanlings. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:290-291.
Davis, B.E., and L.M. Lawrence. 2011. Factors affecting live foal rates of Thoroughbred stallions in Kentucky. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:309-310
Lawrence, L.M., and M. Flythe. 2011. Microbial Colonization of the Foal’s Gastrointestinal Tract. Equine Disease Quarterly, January
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Broodmare nutrition. UK Bluegrass Equine Digest, October.
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Managing carbohydrates in equine diets. Kentucky Breeders’ Short Course, Lexington KY
Lawrence, L.M. 2011. Forages for horses. In, Proc. Forages at KCA, G. Lacefield Ed., Published by the Kentucky Forage and Grassland Council, Lexington KY
McCown, S., M. Burmmer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Basal insulin and glucose concentration in gestating and lactating mares. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:247-248.
McCown, S., M. Brummer, S. Hayes, J. Earing and L. Lawrence. 2011. Nutrient and dry matter intakes of broodmares fed high forage diets. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:264-265.
Strasinger, L. and L. Lawrence. 2011. Growth rates in 3 and 4 month old foals during the summer in Kentucky. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 31:286-287.
Cassill, B., L. Lawrence and M. Collins. Acceptability of red clover hay to horses. Proc. Equine Science Soc., Tucson, AZ, p360. 2005.
Cassill, B., S. Hayes, J. Ringler and L. Lawrence. Changes in serum markers of bone turnover during pregnancy and lactation. Proc. Equine Science Soc., Tucson, AZ, p63. 2005.
Ringler, J., B. Cassill, S. Hayes and L. Lawrence. Comparison of in vitro digestibility estimates using the Daisy II incubator to in vivo digestibility estimates. Proc. Equine Science Soc., Tucson, AZ, p43. 2005.
Ringler, J., B. Cassill, S. Hayes and L. Lawrence. Effect of incubation time on in vitro estimates of DM, NDF and ADF digestibility. Proc. Equine Science Soc., Tucson, AZ, p307. 2005.
Ringler, J., B. Cassill, S. Hayes, J. Stine and L. Lawrence. Grazing preferences of horses for different cool season grasses. Proc. Equine Science Soc., Tucson, AZ, p319. 2005.
Lawrence, L.M. and B. Cassill. Alfalfa hay for horses. Proc. 25th Kentucky Alfalfa Conference, Cave City, KY. 2005.
Lawrence, L.M. Trace minerals in equine nutrition. Proceedings of the Texas A&M Equine Nutrition Conference, College Station TX. Pp. 84-91. 2004.
Harbour, L.E., L.M. Lawrence, S.H. Hayes, C.J. Stine and D.M. Powell. Concentrate composition and form and glycemic response in horses. Proceedings 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium, East Lansing MI p329. 2003.
Hayes, S.H., H. Werner and L.M. Lawrence. In vitro assessment of fiber digestion capacity in foals. Proceedings 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium, East Lansing, MI p273. 2003.
Lawrence, L.M., J. Bicudo, J. Davis and E. Wheeler. Relationships between intake and excretion for nitrogen and phosphorus in horses. Proceedings 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium, East Lansing, MI p306. 2003.
Lawrence, L.M., J. R. Bicudo and E. Wheeler. Horse manure characteristics literature and database review. International Symposium on Animal. Agricultural and Food Processing Waste, Raleigh, NC. 2003./p>
Powell, D.M., L.M. Lawrence and S. Hayes. Effect of dietary restriction and exercise on prolactin response to a thyrotropin releasing hormone challenge. Proceedings 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology Symposium, East Lansing, MI, p268. 2003.
Peterson, C.J., L. Lawrence, R. Coleman, D. Powell, L. White, A. Reinowski, S. Hayes and L. Harbour. Effect of diet quality on growth during weaning. Proceedings. 18th Equine Nutrition and Physiology. Symposium., East Lansing, MI, p326. 2003.