Melissa Morgan

Last Revised: Oct 16th, 2023
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
1993-1998, Q Laboratories Inc, Position: Microbiology Group Leader
1992-1993,Q Laboratories Inc, Position: Research Associate
1990-1992, National Center For Toxicological Research (FDA), Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Courses Taught
FSC 530 Food Microbiology
FSC 540 Plant Sanitation
FSC 632 Foodborne Disease Agents
Research Interests
Evaluation of microbial safety of food products as related to thermal processing and storage conditions.
Development of production, processing and handling strategies for effectively minimizing pathogenic microbial contamination.
Investigation of the presence of potential foodborne pathogens during animal production.
Investigate strategies to reduce the level of antibiotic resistant bacteria in livestock.
Determine the effectiveness of naturally occurring volatile compounds to control the growth of pathogenic bacteria on fruit.
Selected Publications
Black, R.A., J.L. Taraba, G.B. Day, F.A. Damasceno, M.C. Newman, K.A. Akers, C.L. Wood, K.J. McQuerry, and J.M. Bewley. 2014. The relationship between compost bedded pack performance and management and bacterial concentrations. Journal of Dairy Science 97: 2669-2679.
Chen, G., Y.L. Xiong, M.C. Newman, C.D. Webster, K.R. Thompson, and L.S. Metts. 2010. Effect of vacuum packaging on the quality of red claw crayfish, Cherax quadricarinatus, tail muscle during frozen storage. Journal of World Aquacultural Society 41:358-368.
Lindemann, M.D., A.D. Quant, J.S. Monegue, M.Wang, G.L. Cromwell, and M.C. Newman. 2010. Evaluation of antibiotic effects on phosphorus digestibility and utilization by growing-finishing pigs fed a phosphorus-deficient, corn-soybean meal diet. Journal of Animal Science 88:1752-1758.
Hammons, D.L., S.K. Kurtural, M.C. Newman, and D.A. Potter. Invasive Japanese beetles facilitate aggregation andinjury by a native scarab pest of ripening fruits. Proceeding National Academy of Science USA 106(10): 3686–3691. 2009.
Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, G.L. Cromwell, M.C. Newman, and R.D. Nimmo. 2007. Virginiamycin improvesphosphorus digestibility and utilization by growing-finishing pigs fed a phosphorus-deficient corn-soybean mealdiet. Journal of Animal Science 85:2173-2182.
Chen, G., Y.L. Xiong, B. Kong, M.C. Newman, K.R. Thompson, L.S. Metts, and C.D. Webster. 2007.Microbiological and Physicochemical Properties of Red Claw Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) Stored inDifferent Package Systems at 2 °C. Journal of Food Science 72:E442-449.
Newman, M.C. Antibiotic Growth Promoters. In: Managing Gut Health-Natural Growth Promoters As A Key To Animal Performance. Nottingham University Press. 2006.
Newman, M.C. and S.M. Scheuren-Portocarrero. Multiple Antibiotic Resistance: What is the cure? pp. 201-212. In: Biotechnology in the Feed Industry. Nottingham University Press. 2005.
Saraswathi, V., B.D. Hammock, J.W. Newman, P. Meerarani, M. Toborek and B. Hennig. Involvement of CYP 2C9 in mediating the proinflammatory effects of linoleic acid in vascular endothelial cells. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 22(6):502-510. 2003.
Hupton, G., S. Portocarrero, M.C. Newman and D.F. Westneat. Bacteria in the reproductive tracts of red-winged blackbirds. The Condor 105(30): 512-523. 2003.
Behrends, J.M., W.B. Mikel, C.L. Armstrong and M.C. Newman. Color Stability of semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris steaks packaged in a high-oxygen modified atmosphere. Journal of Animal Science 81(9): 2230-2238. 2003.
Elgaali, H., M.C. Newman, T.R. Hamilton-Kemp, R.W. Collins, K.Yu, and D.D. Archbold. 2002. Comparison of volatile compounds emitted from food-borne and related gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Journal of Basic Microbiology 42(6):546-552.
Portocarrero, S.M., M.C. Newman, and B. Mikel. 2002. Microbial population, chemical status and shelf stability of smoked and non-smoked country cured hams. Journal of Food Science 67(6):1892-1898.
Portocarrero, S.M., M.C. Newman, and B. Mikel. 2002. Staphylococcus aureus survival and toxin production on smoked and non-smoked country cured hams. Meat Science 62(2):267-273.
White, L.A., M.C. Newman, G.L. Cromwell, and M.D. Lindemann. 2002. Brewers dried yeast as a source of mannan oligosaccharides on growth performance and intestinal characteristics of weanling pigs. Journal of Animal Science 80:2619-2628.
Knight, M.T. and M.C. Newman, 1997. Collaborative study comparing the Petrifilm dry rehydratable film and conventional culture methods for the enumeration of yeasts and molds in foods. JOAC. In Review.
Newman, M.C. and K.A. Dawson, 1997. Effect of monensin challenge on the ion flux and proton motive force of monensin-sensitive and monensin-resistant strains of Prevotella (Bacteroides) ruminicola. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. In review.
Knight, M.T., M.C. Newman, M.J. Benzinger, Jr., and J.R. Agin, 1996. Tecra Listeria Visual Immunoassay (TLVIA) for the detection of Listeria in foods: Collaborative study. JOAC vol 79, No. 5.
Morehead. M.C., W. Franklin, P.P. Fu and C.E. Cerniglia, 1994. Identification of the metabolites of 7-nitrobenzanthracene after incubation in the presence pure and mixed populations of anaerobic gastrointestinal bacteria. Jr. Toxicol. 27:1217.
Morehead, M.C. and K. A. Dawson, 1992. Some growth and metabolic characteristics of monensin-sensitive and monensin-resistant strains of Prevotella (Bacteroides) ruminicola. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 58:1617-1623.
Refereed Journal Articles
Franklin, S.T., M.C. Newman, K.E. Newman and K.I. Meek. Immune parameters of dry cows fed mannan Oligosaccharide and subsequent transfer of immunity to calves. Journal of Dairy Science 88:766-775. 2005.
Hamilton-Kemp, T., M.C. Newman, R. Collins, H. Elgaali, K. Yu and D. Archbold. Production of the long chain alcohols Octanol, Decanol, and Dodecanol by Escherichia coli. Current Microbiology 51:82-86. 2005.
Extension Publications
Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar, Melissa Newman, and Gregg Rentforw. 2016. ASC-227 Understanding the Risks of Foodborne Illness and Ways to Reduce Them
Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar, Melissa Newman, and Pam Sigler. 2016. IP-78 Understanding Produce Safety Programs and Making a Food Safety Plan
Black, R.A., J.L. Taraba, G.B. Day, F. A. Damasceno, M. C. Newman. K. A. Akers, and J.M. Bewley. 2011. Relationships among temperature, moisture, bacterial counts, and animal hygiene in compost bedded pack barns. Abstract 234. American Dairy Science Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Jiang, J., Xiong, Y.L., Newman, M.C., and Rentfrow, G.K. 2011. Film-forming properties of alkaline and acidic pH-shifting-treated soy proteins. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 150-06).
Wang, Y., Xiong, Y.L., Rentfrow, G.K., and Newman, M.C. 2011. Hydroxyl radical oxidation promotes cross-linking but reduces film-forming properties of whey proteins. Book of Abstracts. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists. (Abst. No. 236-71).
Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, M.C. Newman, G.L. Cromwell and R.D. Nimmo. Effects of long term feeding of virginiamycin in growing-finishing pigs fed phosphorus deficient diets. Journal of Animal Science 83(Suppl. 2):63. 2005.
Experiment Station Reports and Bulletins
Kitts, S.E., K.C. Hanson, N.A. Elam, M.C. Newman, D.L. Harmon, and K.R. McLeod. Effects of corn type and forage level on growth performance and E.Coli shedding in finishing beef steers. 2004 Beef Research Report. KY Agr. Report SR-2004-2. pp. 9. 2004.