Mike Ford

Last Revised: Oct 17th, 2023
Professional Biography
Journal Articles
Singh, A., K.D. Casey, A.J. Pescatore, R.S. Gates and M.J. Ford. 2009. Efficacy of urease inhibitor to reduce ammonia emission from poultry houses. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 18: 34-42.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, R. Power, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson and M.J. Ford. 2009. Effects of feeding different forms of zinc and copper on the performance and tissue mineral content of chicks. Poultry Science 88: 2171-2175.
Ao, T., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce and K.A. Dawson. 2009. Effect of enzyme supplementation and acidification of diets on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 88: 111-117.
Casey, K.D., R.S. Gates, E.F. Wheeler, H. Xin, Y. Liang, A.J. Pescatore, and M.J. Ford. 2008. On-farm ventilation fan performance evaluations and implications. Journal of Applied Poultry Research 17: 283-295.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, R. Power, K.A. Dawson, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, and M.J. Ford. 2006. Evaluation of Bioplex zinc as an organic zinc source for chicks. International Journal of Poultry Science 5 (9): 808-811.
Paton, N.D., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, and C.A. Smith. 2002. The effect of dietary selenium source and level on the uptake of selenium by developing chick embryos. Poultry Science 81:1548–1554.
Hussein, A.S., A.H. Cantor, R.S. Gates, A.J. Pescatore, D. Burnham, M.J. Ford, and N.D. Paton. 2001. Effect of low protein diets with amino acid supplementation on broiler growth. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 10:354-363.
Paton, N.D., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, and C.A. Smith. 2002. Absorption of selenium by developing chick embryos during incubation. pp. 107-121. IN: T.P. Lyons and K. A. Jacques, eds. Proceedings, Alltech’s Eighteenth Annual Symposium, Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries. Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, England.
Pescatore, A.J., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, M.J. Ford, E.F.Wheeler, and H. Xin. 2004. Ammonia emissions from broiler houses during three consecutive flocks. Proceedings XXII World’s Poultry Congress, Instanbul, Turkey.
Pescatore, A.J., and M.J. Ford. 2004. Variation in the capacity of ventilation fans in broiler houses as determined by fan analysis numeration system. Proceedings XXII World’s Poultry Congress, Instanbul, Turkey.
Cantor, A.H., N.D. Paton, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford and C.A. Smith. 2003. Effect of selenium yeast in the hen's diet on transfer of selenium to the egg and the developing embryo. KRMVIA 45 (6):327-334.
Fisher, T., A.J . Pescatore, J.P. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of sex and feed ingredients on carcass yields of commercial broilers and Rhode Island Reds. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):7
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, and T. Ao. 2016. Examining the effect of high dietary calcium on ileal endogenous amino acid losses and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in broilers. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):91
Adedokun, S.A., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.P. Jacob, and T. Ao. 2016. Evaluating the effect of dietary calcium levels on ileal endogenous amino acid losses and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in laying hen. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):136
Fisher, T., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of feed ingredients and breed of chicken on meat quality. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):172
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2016. Growth performance of broiler chickens and heritage breeds raised on pasture. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):125
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. Carcass yield of broiler chickens and heritage breeds raised on pasture. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1): 125
Jacob, J.P., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T.M. Fisher, Harold D. Gillespie, S.A. Adedokun, and T. Ao. 2016. Effect of raising different breeds of chicken on pasture on skeletal development. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):126
Dudley, Megan M., Ryan S. Samuel, M.J. Ford, A.J. Pescatore, and Kristen M. Brennan. 2016. Interaction of dietary microalgae and trace mineral source in 14-day old broiler chicks. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):133
Ao, T., M.A. Paul, L.M. Macalintal, A.J. Pescatore, A. H. Cantor, R.S. Samuel, Mike J. Ford, and K.A. Dawson. 2016. Total replacement of inorganic micro minerals with reduced levels of proteinates in laying hen diets: Effect on productive performance, egg characteristics, and bone quality. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):155
Bear, M., G. Rentfrow, J. Jacob, A. Pescatore, T. Fisher, M. Paul, and M. Ford. 2016. The effect of pasture vs indoor rearing on the breast filet shelf life of commercial-meat chickens and alternative breeds. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):198
Paul, M., A. Pescatore, T. Ao, M. Ford, H.D. Gillespie, A. Cantor, and K. Dawson. 2016. Effects of Programmed Nutrition (PN) feeding strategy on the production performance, egg quality, bone quality, and liver mineral content of brown laying hens Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):280
Fisher, T., A. Pescatore, J. Jacob, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and T. Ao. 2016. Carcass traits of heritage chicken breeds using sorghum and field peas to replace corn and soybean meal in diets. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):280
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, M. Ford, J. Jacob, T. Ao, and A. Helmbrecht. 2016. Energy source and not dietary electrolyte balance influenced ileal endogenous amino acid losses in 21 d-old broilers fed nitrogen-free diets. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):287
Ao, T., L. Macalintal, M. Paul, A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, M. Ford, and K. Dawson. 2016.Effects of dietary supplementation of Actigen® and Allzyme SSF® on the performance and carcass yield of broiler chicks. Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):290
Macalintal, L., T. Ao, A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, P. Glenney, M. Ford, and K. Dawson. 2016. Maternal dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant compound affect levels of trace minerals in eggs and docosahexaenoic acid content in progeny tissues Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):297
Adedokun, S., A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, J. Jacob, M. Ford, T. Ao, and A. Helmbrecht. 2016. Examining the effect of dietary electrolyte balance, energy source, and length of feeding of nitrogen-free diets on ileal endogenous amino acid losses in broilers Poult. Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 1):242
Samuel, R., T. Ao, M. Ford, A. Cantor, A. Pescatore, J. Pierce. 2012. Evaluation of methodology to determine TMEn of feed ingredients. Abstract P191 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Brennan, K.M., R.M. Hall, R.S. Samuel, T. Ao, M. Ford, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor and J.L. Pierce. 2012. Impact of early-life restricted mineral nutrition on mRNA profiles of the jejunum in 21-day old broilers. Abstract P181 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Samuel, R., T. Ao, M. Paul, M. Ford, K. Brennan, M. Spry, A. Pescatore, A. Cantor and J. Pierce. 2012. Early life trace mineral nutrition affects growth performance and mineral desposition in broilers through 21 d. Abstract P175 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Ao, T., J. Pierce, M. Paul, K. Brennan, A. Pescatore, A. Cantor, M. Ford and K. Dawson. 2012. Abstract P174 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2012. Evaluating the effect of feeding up to 30% distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and Allzyme SSF on egg production and egg quality of white layers through 60 weeks of production. Abstract P151 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford, and W.D. King. 2012. Inclusion of Allzyme SSF in brown layer diets containing up to 30% distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) reduces the detrimental effects on shell quality. Abstract M18 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Macalintal, L., A. Cantor, A. Pescatore, K. Dawson, J. Pierce, M. Ford, T. Ao, H.D. Gillespie and A. Meredith. 2012. Effect of in ovo selenium injfection of broiler breeder eggs on tissue selenium concentration, lipid peroxidation, immune response and post hatch developmment. Abstract M88 at the 2012 International Poultry Exposition Scientific Forum.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, P. Rossi, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2011. Evaluating the effect of feeding up to 30 percent distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and an enzyme supplement on the performance and egg qaulity of brown egg layers through 30 weeks of production. Abstract 565 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, P. Rossi, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2011. Production performance and egg quality of hens fed diets containing up to thirty percent distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and an enzyme supplement. Abstract 563 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Meredith, A.N., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, K.A. Dawson, L.M. Macalintal and W.D. King. 2011. Influence of EconomasE supplementation on egg selenium, production performance and egg quality of brown egg laying hens. Abstract 540 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Meredith, A.N., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, K.A. Dawson, L.M. Macalintal and W.D. King. 2011. Impact of dietary supplementation of EconomasE on egg selenium, production performance and egg quality of white egg laying hens. Abstract 539 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, M. Paul, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson and M.J. Ford. 2011. Effects of supplementing Allzyme SSF and Allzyme PT in wheat based diet on the performance of chicks.Abstract 510 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, K.A. Dawson, J.L. Pierce, M.J. Ford, T. Ao, H.D. Gillespie and A.N. Meredith. 2011. Effect of in ovo selenium injection of broiler breeder eggs at 10 days of incubation on tissue selenium concentraton and embryo viability. Abstract 137 at the 2011 Poultry Science Association annual meeting in St. Louis, MO.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, A.C. Cantor, K.A. Dawson and M.J. Ford. 2009. Effects of supplementing different levels and sources of Zn in corn-soybean meal diet on the performance and tissue mineral status of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 88 (Suppl. 1): 103. Abstract #333P.
Rossi, P., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2011. Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and an enzyme supplement on performance and egg quality of egg layers. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl.): SPSS Abstract #228P.
Pescatore, A.J., P. Rossi, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2011. The use of distillers dried grains with solubles in post peak diets for laying hens. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl.): SPSS Abstract #227P.
Rossi, P., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2011. Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and an enzyme supplement on performance and egg quality of brown egg layers through 60 weeks of egg production. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl.): SPSS Abstract #224P.
Ao. T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, M. Paul, and M.J. Ford. 2011. Evaluation of organic Cu (Bioplex Cu) as a Cu source for chicks. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl.): SPSS Abstract #196P.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, K.A. Dawson, J.L. Pierce, M.J. Ford, H.D. Gillespie and A.N. Meredith. 2011.Toxicity and tissue selenium levels of cihcken embryos resulting from in ovo selenium injection. Poultry Science 90 (Suppl.): SPSS Abstract #73.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, B. Hoskins, M. Paul, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2010. Allzyme SSF increased AMEn of the corn-soy diet and improved performance of broilers. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 863. Absract #1111.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, T. Ao, J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, K.A. Dawson, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Effect of organic trace mineral sources on production and egg quality of white egg laying hens. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 658-659. Abstract #W227.
Rossi, P., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and enzyme supplementation on production performance and egg quality of laying hens through 36 weeks of egg production. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 552. Absract #672.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, H.D. Gillespie, J.L. Pierce, K.A. Dawson and R.F. Power. 2010. Effect of in ovo selenium injection on chick embryo viability and tissue selenium levels. Poultry Science 89 (E-suppl. 1): 543. Abstract #647.
Pescatore, A.J., P. Rossi, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles and an enzyme supplement on performance and egg quality of brown egg layers. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 367-368. Abstract #T190.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, K.M. McClelland, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2010. Effect of dietary selenium yeast (Sel-Plex) and vitamin E supplementation to broilers on meat quality characteristics of raw and marinated breast fillets. Poultry Science 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 276. Abstract #327.
Pescatore, A.J., P. Rossi, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King III. and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Effect of the addition of distillers dried grains with solubles and an enzyme supplement to diets for brown egg layers on egg quality and yolk color. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl): 75. Abstract #P247.
Macalintal, L.M. A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, A.D. Quant, H.D. Gillespie, M.J. Ford, W.D. King III, and T. Ao. 2010. Effect of selenium yeast (Sel-Plex) and vitamin E supplementation on lung tissue selenium concentrations of broiler breeder pullets. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl): 75. Abstract #246.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, T. Ao, J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, K.A. Dawson, M.J. Ford, and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Influence of organic trace mineral sources on production and egg quality of brown egg laying hens. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.): 75. Abstract #P245.
Rossi, P., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, L.M. Macalintal, M.J. Ford, W.D. King III, and H.D. Gillespie. 2010. Effect of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) and enzyme supplementation on egg quality and yolk color. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.): 74. Abstract #P244.
Quant, A.D., A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, M.J. Ford and W.D. King. 2010. Effect of selenium yeast (Sel-Plex) and vitamin E supplementation on body weight and flock uniformity of developing broiler breeder pullets. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.): 71. Abstract #P235.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, K.A. Dawson, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, and M.J. Ford. 2010. Effects of supplementing different forms of copper in broiler diets on the efficacy of phytase. Poultry Science 89 (Suppl.): 62. Abstract #P205.
Pierce, J.L., T. Ao, R.F. Power, K.A. Dawson, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford, and Y.L. Xiong. 2009. Investigation of replacing vitamin E with EconomasE in broiler diets. Poultry Science 88 (Suppl. 1): 101. Abstract #326P.
Pierce, J.L., T. Ao, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, and M.J. Ford. 2009. Effects of dietary supplementation of Allzyme SSF on the performance of chicks fed low phosphorus diets. Poultry Science 88 (Suppl.): 198. Absract #P192.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, and M.J. Ford. 2009. Effects of reducing levels of organic minerals (Bioplex) on the development of white layer pullets. Poultry Science 88 (Suppl): 197. Abstract #P189.
Cantor, A.H., A.J. Pescatore, J.L. Pierce, M.J. Ford, T. Ao, W.D. King, H.D. Gillespie, M.A. Stovall and L.M. Macalintal. 2008. Effect of selenium supplementation on egg production of broiler breeder hens. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl. 1): 121. Abstract #TP381.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, and M.J. Ford. 2008. Effects of feeding reduced levels of trace mineral proteinates (bioPlex) to brown layer pullets during development. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl. 1): 114-115. Abstract #TP361.
J.L. Pierce, T. Ao, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, and M.J. Ford. 2008. Effects of dietary supplementation of Allzyme SSF on the performance of chicks fed wheat-based diets. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl. 1):114. Abstract #TP358.
Cantor, A.H., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, T. Ao, and H.D. Gillespie. 2008. Trace mineral concentrations in laying hen manure as affected by dietary organic and inorganic mineral supplements. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl.): 174. Abstract #P168..
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson and M. Paul. 2008. Evaluation of organic Mn (Bioplex Mn) as a Mn source for chicks. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl.): 172-173. Abstract #P161.
Pescatore, A.J., A. Singh, R.S. Gates, A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, K.A. Dawson, T. Ao and M.J. Ford. 2008. Ammonia release and nutrient content of laying hen manure as affected by distillers dried grains with solubles and enzyme supplementation. Poultry Science (Suppl. 1): 169. Abstract #P147.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, A.H. Cantor,. K.A. Dawson, and M. Paul. 2008. Requirement of Zn provided as organic Zn for broiler chicks. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl. 1): 162. Abstract T120.
Macalintal, L.M., A.H. Cantor, J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, T. Ao, M.J. Ford, H.D. Gillespie, and W.D. King. 2008. Effect of selenium supplementation of broiler breeder diets on tissue selenium concentrations in progeny. Poultry Science 87 (Suppl. 1): 149. Abstract #M67.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, R. Power, A.J. Pescatore, K.A. Dawson, A.H. Cantor, M.J. Ford and B. L. Shafer. 2008. Investigation of antagonism and absorption of zinc and copper when different forms of minerals were fed to chicks. Poultry Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 587. Absract #697.
Ao, T., J.L. Pierce, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor, K.A. Dawson, M.J. Ford, and B.L. Shafer. 2007. The requirement of Zn provided as organic Zn for broiler chicks fed corn-soy based diet with or without supplementaton of phytase. Poultry Science 86 (Suppl. 1): 758. Abstract #T110.
Cotter, P., A. Pescatore, M. Ford, T. Ao and J. Pierce. 2006. Selenium source affects the properties of the anti-Gal natural antibody system in laying hens. Pouiltry Science 85 (Suppl. 1): 50. Abstract #97.
Pierce, J.L., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford and A.H. Cantor. 2005. The effects of source and level of dietary copper on copper and zinc metabolism in broiler chicks. Poultry Science 84 (Suppl. 1): 10. Abstract #M30.
Mañón, A., A. Cantor, A. Pescatore, M. Ford, H. Gillespie and M. Daley. 2005. Influence of dietary supplementation of organic minerals and phytase on mineral concentration in manure of replacement pullets. Poultry Science 84 (Suppl. 1): 85. Abstract #216.
Ao, T., A. Cantor, A. Pescatore, M. Ford and J. Pierce. 2005. Effects of simultaneous supplementation of alpha-galactosidase and citric acid on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chicks. Poultry Science 84 (Suppl. 1): 84. Abstract #212.
Mañón, A, A. Cantor, A. Pescatore, M. Ford, H. Gillespie and M. Daley. 2005. Effect of dietary supplementation of organic minerals and phytase on mineral concentration in manure of brown egg laying replacement pullets. Poultry Science 84 (Suppl. 1): 12-13. Abstract #M39.
Pierce, J., B.L. Shafer, A.J. Pescatore, A.H. Cantor and M.J. Ford. 2005. Effects of source and level of dietary copper on copper and zinc metabolism. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 76). Lexington, KY.
Mañón, A.N., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore and M.D.Ford. 2005. The effect of dietary supplementation of organic minerals and phytase on mineral concentration in manure of replacement pullets. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 92). Lexington, KY.
Mañón, A.N., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore and M.D. Ford. 2005. Using organic sources of trace minerals and phytase to lower mineral concentrations in manure of brown shell laying replacement pullets. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 91). Lexington, KY.
Ao,T., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce and K.A. Dawson. 2005.Effect of simultaneous supplementation of alpha-galactosidase and citric acid on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chicks. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 78). Lexington, KY.
Ao, T., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce and K.A. Dawson. 2005. Effect of citric acid, alpha-galactosidase and protease on in vitro nutrient release from soybean meal and trypsin inhibitor content in raw whole soybean. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 54). Lexington, KY.
Ao, T., A.H. Cantor, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, J.L. Pierce and K.A. Dawson. 2005. Influence of dietary supplementation of alpha-galactosidase and acidification of diet on nutrient digestibility and growth performance of broiler chicks. In: Nutritional Biotechnology in the Feed and Food Industries, Proceedings of Alltech’s 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl. 1: 77). Lexington, KY.
Pescatore, A.J., K.D. Casey, R.S. Gates, J. Bicudo, H. Xin, E.F. Wheeler and M.J. Ford. 2004. Ammonia emissions and levels of ammonia and carbon dioxide in exhaust air from broiler houses. Poultry Science 83 (Suppl. 1): 1785. Abstract #100.
Cantor, A.H., A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, H.D. Gillespie, and A.N. Mañón. 2004. Comparison of feed restriction, dietary aluminum sulfate and a low density diet for force molting brown egg laying hens. Poultry Science 83 (Suppl. 1): 1778. Abstract #70.
Cantor, A.H., P.Y. Hester, A.J. Pescatore, M.J. Ford, H.D. Gillespie, and T. Ao. 2004. Influence of supplemental 25-hydroxy-vitamin D and phytase on bone parameters of laying hens fed low-phosphorus diets. Poultry Science 83 (Suppl. 1): 1768. Abstract #31.
Pescatore, A. J., M. D. Ford, A. H. Cantor, and J. L. Pierce. 2003. The effect of source and level of dietary copper on broiler performance. Poultry Science 82 (Suppl. 1): 136.