Paul V. Priyesh

Last Revised: Oct 16th, 2023
Professional Biography
Professional Experience
Extension Activities
Food Processing, Food Safety, and Regulatory Affairs
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule (PSA) and Human Food Preventive Control (PCHF)
Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and Good Handling Practices (GHPs)
Process Authority (Thermal Processing of Acidified Foods)
Extension Workshops
GAPs and GHPs Audit Grower Training
HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)
Better Process Control School
- FSC 107 Introduction to Food Science
- FSC 636 Advanced Food Technology
- Thermal processing of accidified foods
- Antimicrobial intervention of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meats and Salmonella in fresh produce.
- Use of Bacteriophages to improve produce safety
- Prevention based food safety
Professional Society Memberships
August 2015 - Present
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society
2015 - Present
Phi Tau Sigma, Food Science and Technology Honor society
Nov. 2015 - Present
Institute for Thermal Processing Specialists
Sept. 2009 - Present
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
March 2009 - Present
Institute of Food Technologists
Dec. 2010 - Present
Oklahoma State University Alumni Association
Recent Refereed Journal Writings
Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar, Danielle Bellmer, Peter Muriana and Ray Huhnke. Microbial Populations in Sweet Sorghum Juice during Fermentation. BAOJ Biotech, (2015) 1: 002.
Jadeja, R., D. Jaroni, P. Vijayakumar and S. Chintagari (2015). Application of monoclonal antibodies to develop rapid immunoassays for Vibrio vulnificus- A mini review. AASCIT Journal of Biology, 2015; 1(4): 48-54.
Henning, C.; Vijayakumar, P.; Adhikari, R.; Jagannathan, B.; Gautam, D.; Muriana, P. Isolation and Taxonomic Identity of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria from Retail Foods and Animal Sources. Microorganisms2015, 3, 80-93.
Vijayakumar, Paul Priyesh.; Muriana, P. Microplate Kinetic Growth Inhibition Assay for Screening Bacteriocins against Listeria monocytogenes to differentiate their Mode-of-Action. Biomolecules 2015, 5(2), 1178-1194.
Published Abstracts and Conference Papers
Jagannathan, B., D. Gautam, R. Adhikari, P. Vijayakumar, C. Henning, and P. Muriana. 2014. Phylogenetic identification, microplate assay, and fermenter-based growth conditions to optimize bactericidal activity of bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria. Ann. Meet. Inst. Food Technol., New Orleans, LA (June 21-24), Abst. # 166-03.
Vijayakumar, P., and P.M. Muriana. 2014. Multiple mode-of-action approach in the use of bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria as biopreservatives for ready-to-eat meats. FAPC Research Symposium/OSU Research Week, Feb. 18, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK.
Vijayakumar, P., and P.M. Muriana. 2013. Bacteriocins of lactic acid bacteria as potential food biopreservatives: the effectiveness of a multiple mode-of-action approach. FAPC Research Symposium/OSU Research Week, Feb. 19, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK.
Vijayakumar, P., Henning, C., and P.M. Muriana. 2012. Isolation and characterization of bacteriocin producing lactic acid bacteria from foods and their potential use as biopreservatives. FAPC Res. Symp., Feb. 22, Stillwater, OK.
P. Vijayakumar, D.Bellmer, R. Huhnke, P. Muriana. 2010. Microbial Populations in Sweet Sorghum Juice During Fermentation. ASABE Ann. Int. Conf. Pittsburg, PA (June 19-23), Paper. # 1008881
Affiliations with Organizations as Scientific Reviewer
LWT – Food Science and Technology
Food Research International
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease
Journal of Food Processing and Preservation